
I want to make sure you saw Lauren’s email.

We’ve got a short window to seize this opportunity to fund our anti-gerrymandering work like never before.

Donate now and your gift will go twice as far in our fight to end gerrymandering.

We have until the end of the week to raise an additional $45,000 to unlock a historic matching gift and we’re counting on the RepresentUs movement to help.

Thank you for all you do for our movement.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lauren Bartolozzi, RepresentUs <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Happening NOW: Double your impact and stop Gerrymandering

John, we’re in a critical moment in the fight to take on gerrymandering and we need your help now.

We know that when politicians draw voting districts, the end result is corruption. That’s because a whopping 90% of ALL voters, regardless of their political leanings, are against it. And yet it persists, thanks to bad actors in power who want to keep it that way by drowning out the voices of the people.

The future of democracy is on the line, and our donors agree. This week, one of our generous supporters is matching all donations going toward our seven-year anti-gerrymandering project, doubling the impact of your gift. We've got $45,000 left to raise. That’s where you come in.

Donate now and your gift will go TWICE as far to ensure voters get to choose their politicians and not the other way around.

Gerrymandering is a huge problem on both sides of the political spectrum, but there’s a clear solution: independent redistricting commissions. When partisan politicians and their allies are in charge of the map-drawing process, gerrymandering is what we get. Independent redistricting commissions, on the other hand, are proven to draw fairer maps, giving voters more power and leading to more competitive elections.

Your donation will help establish independent redistricting commissions across the country, giving voters fair maps and an equal say in shaping their government.

Whether it's $5 or $500, your gift sends a loud and proud message that this kind of corruption will not stand.


Lauren Bartolozzi
Vice President of Development

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