We've learned a lot about what care looks like for different folks through our Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project (STYEP), which has helped nearly 800 families and individuals navigate this wave of healthcare bans and distributed over $400,000 to help offset costs. Even with this support, offered in partnership with organizations across the South, the time and money families need to spend to get to this life-saving care is overwhelming. For many families of trans youth in the South, this care used to be a 1-hour drive or less – now, it's more like 4-8 hours of driving because the closest clinic is so much further. That means more gas, more meals on the road, and more hotel bills as folks need to see their doctor 3-4 times a year to manage their care. This report features new geospatial analysis that illustrates just how much the drive time has increased.
Not getting care is not an option – so families continue to make these long, arduous journeys to get their child the care they deserve. Read first-hand stories from parents of trans youth, and share this report with your network so they understand the true costs of gender-affirming care bans.
It's cruel and unfair that these families have to spend dozens of hours in transit every year to make sure their child can get the care they need to thrive. Gender-affirming care for trans youth is medically necessary, life-saving care that every major medical association vocally supports. These families shouldn't have to go through this because some extreme lawmakers decided to target their children for political points – but as long as they do, our team will be there to support them every step of the way.
Thanks for being a part of our team,
Emma Chinn
Communications & Policy Manager
Campaign for Southern Equality
P.S. As more bans are under consideration across the country this year, we'll be ready to expand our support to make sure no trans youth is denied the care they need because of a discriminatory law. Click here to support the Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project and help make sure trans youth can get the care they deserve.