Join Us April 20th in Plano, Texas - Register
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Dear Friend,
Are you a devotee of Our Lady of
Guadalupe? Do you know everything there is to know about the
apparition in 1531?
Did you know…
There is a clear pattern that all
evangelization is preceded by the maternal presence of the Virgin Mary
… the Star that guides the ship!
About 3,000 years before Our Lady’s
apparition to St. Juan Diego at Tepeyac Hill outside of Mexico City
from December 9-12, 1531, the Aztecs and other peoples of Mexico,
Central America, and the Southwest USA told 'song-poems' about a
'paradise lost' and the desire to regain it.
The singer-hero of these
‘song-poems’ spoke with hummingbirds and other exotic tropical birds.
As he entered into a 'paradise' full of flowers that glow and emits
light and hears “out of this world” music and is told to gather the
flowers up in his tilma and bring them back to his lords to make them
After the apparition of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, the native Americans discovered the answer to their
paradise lost song-poems. They realized that paradise can be regained,
and access to it is through the Blessed Virgin Mary to her Son, Jesus
Christ. And they need to be baptized to achieve that.
Those are just a few of the
fascinating facts about Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Flower World
Come and hear the authors, scholars
Joseph and Monique Gonzalez, unlock the complete and astounding story
from their bestselling new book, which sold out after the first
publishing, “Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy”. The book
ranked #1 in four Amazon categories!
They will present a fresh
explanation of the roughly ten million indigenous conversions that
occurred after the Blessed Mother’s appearance ― considered the single
largest Christian conversion event in history. This insight will help
you understand Guadalupe like never before.
You will learn about:
- The
Guadalupe Flower World Prophecies
- God’s
salvific plan for the Americas, then and now.
- The
Guadalupe Event of 1531
- How this
relates to Reconvert a Post-Christian world
Where: Prince of
Peace Catholic Church 5100 W. Plano
Pkwy Plano, TX 75093
When: Saturday,
April 20
Please share with your loved ones
and friends.
Registration is Free! Register
I look forward to meeting you in
the love of Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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