The fight against plastic pollution can feel like an uphill battle. From single-use plastic products to microplastics, we are facing a pollution crisis that’s threatening our drinking water, planet, and even our health.
I know that you care deeply about our environment, and I’m sure you make every effort to avoid or recycle plastic products. However, despite our best efforts, most of that plastic ends up in landfills or littering our waterways.
It’s time we stop it at the source – plastic-producing companies and the fossil fuel industry, which provides the chemicals used in 99% of plastic.
At this event, you’ll hear from experts about the fossil fuel-to-plastic pipeline and the policy solutions that will get to the heart of the problem — banning certain types of single-use plastics and holding corporations accountable for cleanup and waste management.
Food & Water Watch and its affiliated organization, Food & Water Action, are advocacy groups with a common mission to protect our food, water and climate.
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