A note from Maverick PAC National Chairman, Fritz Brogan:

Dear Members,

Due to the coronavirus outbreak and in an abundance of caution for our Mavericks community, we have decided to postpone Mavericks Conference in Dallas as well as our April and May chapter events. We are working on more conference calls, virtual events and candidate support, as well as a robust events schedule for when this crisis passes. On behalf of our board, thank you very much for your support of Maverick PAC and your efforts to get the next generation of Republican leaders elected to office. This difficult time will pass and normalcy will return. Stay safe and healthy! Feel free to always send me an e-mail with your thoughts or ideas.



MavTALK : Battle for the Majority : 2020 Brief with NRSC's Betsy Ankney

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 3PM EST

Call-in details to be provided upon RSVP:

Mavericks Conference 2020

Thank you, Congressman Lance Gooden, for taking the time to join our monthly conference call and give an update on primary election efforts in Texas, helping taking back the majority!

Welcome, New Mavericks!

We would like to send a warm welcome to Mavericks who've recently joined!
A CALL TO ACTION: MavPAC has made a name for itself by the sheer strength of our members (YOU).  As a Maverick, we encourage you to invite your friends to come to our open events and join our organization. The more high-quality members that we are able to engage, recruit and develop, the bigger the impact our unique organization is going to have in Congress and on this country.
We want to hear from you! What should be on our radar? Email tips to [email protected]
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