Our values are under threat! And we have only 24 hours left to react! The Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly is seeking to redefine gender in the new treaty on crimes against humanity. They're looking to expand the definition of gender-based persecution beyond the binary (man-woman) concept established in the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The proposed amendments could see our pro-life and gender-reality beliefs being prosecuted as crimes against humanity. This isn't just an assault on individual beliefs — it's a direct attack on the foundational principles of societies worldwide. The stakes could not be higher! The clock is ticking, with the UN gearing up to finalize this treaty as early as April 5th. We need your immediate action to prevent this catastrophic redefinition from becoming a global standard. Don't let the UN criminalize our beliefs!
We urge you to add your voice to our petition, calling on U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and United States Sixth Committee delegates to firmly reject this dangerous treaty. Don't keep this to yourself. Share this petition far and wide to help us preserve our traditional values. Thank you for joining us in this critical battle, Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. We need more voices to make a bigger impact. Please share this petition with everyone you know. The more people who join us, the stronger our message will be against this unfair treaty. Let's show the UN that our beliefs are not crimes.
Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 The United Nations is voting on a proposal in a few days that aims to include misgendering, publicly expressing simple biology, or even quoting scripture as UN Crimes Against Humanity.
If it is approved next Friday, the treaty opens the door to unprecedented criminalization of our views on gender, sexuality, life, and family. Urge U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield to reject this treaty in the United Nations General Assembly. SIGN NOW |
Dear John,
Crimes against humanity. Genocide, enslavement, torture … and now… OUR CHRISTIAN BELIEFS! Yes - you read that right! It’s hard to believe, but there is a proposal in the UN to be voted on in a few days (April 5th) that aims to include misgendering, publicly expressing simple biology, or even quoting scripture as UN Crimes Against Humanity. Yes, that’s the same list that convicts human trafficking, organ trafficking, and slave labor! I’m really worried… I simply can’t imagine living in a world where our Christian beliefs, our pro-life and pro-family convictions, are considered a Crime Against Humanity. The draft treaty has been cooked up slyly by radical globalists and Soros-backed NGOs to declare it illegal to oppose LGBT radicalism, sexual mutilation of children, and abortion. Consider the consequences for a moment: if it is approved next Friday, the treaty opens the door to unprecedented criminalization of our views on gender, sexuality, life, and family. That’s why I’m writing you today. Only a vast mobilization of thousands of people worldwide can stop them… Can I count on you to be part of this?
Add your name to the petition urging U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and United States delegates of the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly to reject this treaty.
At this point, the UN's strategy is more evident than ever: to censor, criminalize, and silence anyone who disagrees with their radical redefinition of humanity: one not based on male-female distinctions but on gender ideology. Let me just run you through some of the crimes they want to now equate with your convictions, according to the 1998 Rome Statute: murder, enslavement, torture, rape, sexual slavery, human trafficking, the crime of apartheid, and other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering. The UN wants to use this Charter as a weapon to silence anyone opposed to their globalist agenda. - Imagine being on trial for the simple act of protecting your children or grandchildren from premature sexualization and ideological indoctrination in schools.
- Our faithful pastors and priests are facing the threat of persecution just for delivering God's message.
- The frontline defenders of our values— Christian politicians, journalists, lawyers, teachers, doctors, etc—are at risk of severe personal and professional attacks merely for holding fast to their convictions.
If you dare to question the gender ideology dogmas, be prepared: you could become a target of a system designed to silence you. This system, crafted by globalist tyrants and the radical left, aims to turn you into a compliant subject under a new global dictatorship that serves pro-abortion, radical feminists, and LGBTI and trans lobbies. A scary prospect, isn't it? That reality is not far off unless we stand up now. Time is running out! The United Nations elites plan to unveil and begin the process of approving the Crimes Against Humanity Treaty as early as April 5th. We have to move fast! The upcoming meeting is not just an abstract policy debate - it's a direct attempted assault on the beliefs of millions, like you and I, around the world. The time to influence these outcomes is now before these discussions become legal standards that will shape the future of international human rights.
Will you sign the petition to demand that U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and United States delegates in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly, firmly oppose and vote against the adoption of this treaty?
There is more: The treaty change would seek to add "gender-based persecution" and "forced pregnancy" into the UN crimes against humanity. Even though abortion has never been accepted as an international human right, if this redefinition is included in a legally binding treaty, any restriction on abortion could be treated as "forced pregnancy." This could lead to it being considered a crime against humanity. In other words, your pro-life view that everyone has a right to life would constitute a Crime Against Humanity! I cannot stress enough how dangerous this treaty would be for us. If the proposed changes are adopted, they will institutionalize a subjective and fluid concept of gender and pregnancy, undermining our rights to advocate for our beliefs on an international scale. I follow the UN’s agenda closely, but this motion is one of the scariest yet. I am extremely concerned - because our views - the values you and I fervently believe in and fight for, could soon be CRIMINALIZED. Can we do something to stop this madness? … The answer is YES. You and I have a chance to fight this off. Our campaign stands on the principle that, thankfully, the majority of the world's nations still recognize gender in its traditional, biological sense. So, the UN's proposed changes are not only radical but deeply out of touch with the reality recognized by the vast majority of countries. Only a handful of countries align with the extreme position the UN is trying to globalize. And this means there is hope! By voicing a massive opposition, we underscore the global consensus that exists and challenge the UN to uphold the values and beliefs deeply ingrained in societies worldwide. Should we fail to act, the consequences extend far beyond the legal realm. From educational systems to religious institutions, the impact of this redefinition will permeate all aspects of life, marginalizing those who adhere to traditional views and exposing them to legal repercussions. You and I are at a crossroads that will determine whether we can speak our minds or forever be silenced. By joining our campaign, you are standing for preserving fundamental freedoms and protecting our cherished beliefs against an overreaching international agenda. Don't forget, we are short on time! The UN voting session is this coming Friday, April 5th.
Sign this petition now to demand that United States delegates at the UN stand against this dangerous treaty. We have no choice but to ensure that our traditional values, beliefs about gender, and the rights of families worldwide are protected from this radical assault. Thank you for your unwavering support and prompt action in this crucial campaign. Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team PS: Please consider chipping in with a gift to help us reach thousands more with this petition and stop the UN before it is too late. Your voice is pivotal in this battle. We are at a crossroads that will determine whether we can speak our minds or forever be shut up and locked up! By clicking below and donating any amount, you take the next step in this fight and ensure thousands more join in. Together, let's stand firm to preserve the truth of our beliefs, honor our traditional values, and secure our future. Every contribution, big or small, fuels our united stand against this challenge.
Click here to contribute $5, or any amount you feel compelled to give, and empower our urgent advocacy at the UN.