Dear John,
April is Earth Month, and many people around the world this year are focused on plastic pollution. With the fourth of five sessions of UN Plastics Treaty negotiations taking place in Ottawa, Canada, beginning on April 23, it is critical that key decision makers understand the urgent need to end plastic pollution at the source. It is now evident that plastic is toxic and is poisoning all people. Plastic pollutes throughout its existence, or “life cycle”— which begins with fossil fuel extraction and refining — and people living on the front lines of extraction, production, transportation, and disposal sites are especially harmed.
No matter who you are or where you live, your health is affected by plastics. Microplastics and plastic chemicals are now in all of our bodies, and people living in frontline communities face greatly elevated risks of autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems, and other serious illnesses. This is unacceptable, and threats to our health will only grow more dire without urgent action to end fossil fuel and plastic production.
During our April 17 webinar, we will discuss the impacts of plastics on human health and implications for the UN Plastics Treaty negotiations happening later this month. Our panelists will include: Aidan Charron, Director of End Plastic Initiatives at EARTHDAY.ORG; Dr. Jamala Djinn, Policy Advisor at Break Free From Plastic; and Ruth Stringer, Science and Policy Coordinator at Healthcare Without Harm. The conversation will be moderated by Renee Sharp, Director of Plastics and Petrochemical Advocacy for the Natural Resources
Defense Council (NRDC).This webinar is being organized in collaboration with EARTHDAY.ORG, whose theme this year for Earth Day on April 22 is Planet vs. Plastic.
DATE: Wednesday, April 17 TIME: 2-3 pm PT | 5-6 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone.
Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will automatically send you the webinar recording afterwards.
Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested
We look forward to your participation!

Jen Fela Vice President, Programs & Communications Plastic Pollution Coalition |