

Today is the 15th anniversary of Varnum v. Brien, making same-sex legal in Iowa. 


As the only openly LGBTQ+ Senator, I understand first-hand how important safeguarding our rights and freedoms is. 

Iowa has a long and rich history of fighting for human rights; that’s why I’m proud to be an Iowa Democrat. 


⚖️ 17 years before the Dred Scott decision, the Iowa Supreme Court “refused to treat a human being as property to enforce a contract for slavery and held our laws must extend equal protection to persons of all races and conditions” 


⚖️ 86 years before the U.S. Supreme Court struck down “separate but equal” in Brown vs. Board of Education, the Iowa Supreme Court had already ruled similar laws as unconstitutional 


⚖️ in 1869, Iowa became the first state of the Union to admit women to the bar and allow them to practice law


We have always prided ourselves on fighting for what is right, equal, and just. Senate Republicans have made it clear that these are no longer a priority for them. They continue to spend time and your tax dollars to defund our AEAs and rip away our bodily autonomy. 


Iowans cannot afford another minute of Republican control. 


That’s why I’m working with my colleagues to keep and flip seats in the Senate. It’s not just possible, with your help and support it’s within reach. Can I count on you to help us break the Senate Republicans’ supermajority with a $10, $15, or $20.24 donation? 


In solidarity, 



Iowans for Liz Bennett

366 19th St SE

Cedar Rapids, IA, 52403