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Jack, President Biden just called on Americans to GET REAL.

Have we all forgotten who Donald Trump is, and what he stands for?

300% MATCH UNLOCKED. Help Joe Biden Win! Donate Now!

Jack, whether it's calling for a "bloodbath" if he loses, or telling his supporters that immigrants are "not humans" — the only thing that's changed about Donald Trump since he left office is this: 

He is more desperate. Which makes him more dangerous.

Donald Trump is facing criminal indictments and financial ruin. And he knows that his only chance to get out from under it all is not just to win, but to fundamentally dismantle American justice in the process.

Jack, this is why Democrats must take his threats seriously.

Either we re-elect President Biden and defeat Donald Trump once and for all — or we LOSE, and put the future of America at risk. That's why we're asking: will grassroots Democrats TAKE ACTION?!?!?!

PLEASE — We are working day and night to support President Biden's reelection in critical battlegrounds around the nation, but we CANNOT keep it up without your support. Will you RUSH $35 now to help?? All gifts MATCHED by 300%!!!


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Democratic Victory PAC

Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing Joe Biden, defending the Senate majority, and taking back the House. Donate now to help Democrats fight for progress!

We're mobilizing online grassroots communities to stand up for progress. Together we can help Joe Biden and Democrats across the country defeat the GOP in 2024!

Jack: Make a monthly donation to save our majority!
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Paid for by Democratic Victory PAC, INC, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.