Not a fundraiser PA Volunteer Information
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Team Kennedy Pennsylvania


Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I have a couple of important updates to share with you regarding our upcoming activities and schedule.

Firstly, I regret to inform you that tonight's meeting has been canceled. However, I'm excited to invite you to join the People4Kennedy group meeting tomorrow night at 8pm instead. This gathering will be an excellent opportunity for us to align our efforts with the national grassroots campaign, share ideas, and strengthen our community ties. Details for joining the People4Kennedy meeting will be provided at the end of this email.

Secondly, an important update regarding our signature collection efforts: We have been informed that we must postpone these activities until after the Pennsylvania Primaries on April 23. While I recognize (and share in) the disappointment this may bring, it's crucial for ensuring our petitioning process is beyond reproach and addresses any concerns from the DNC.

This will not be the first or last obstacle that we'll face together in this campaign - so let's remember: "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity!" Let's see this moment as a call to adapt and focus our energies on spreading awareness about our campaign. If you had a signature gathering event planned, I encourage you to continue engaging with your community through distributing flyers and/or door hangers, or hosting meetup events to showcase our dedication and spirit. 

Let's also use this time to strategize and prepare for a robust signature collection effort post-primaries. Keep an eye out for events with large crowds and plan how we can make a significant impact once we resume!

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. I look forward to seeing many of you at the People4Kennedy meeting tomorrow night. Please find the meeting information below:

Join Zoom Meeting By Clicking the button below

Meeting ID: 846 5658 2243

Passcode: 305224

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,84656582243#,,,,*305224# US (Tacoma)

+12532050468,,84656582243#,,,,*305224# US

Dial by your location

• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

• +1 253 205 0468 US

• +1 669 444 9171 US

• +1 646 931 3860 US

Meeting ID: 846 5658 2243

Passcode: 305224

Warm regards,

The Pennsylvania Leadership Team

Zoom Meeting

We have so many events with amazing people like this Pittsburgh team meeting, that there are too many to list here. To find events near you, click on the button below, enter your zip code and see events in your area!

Events Near You!

Senior Food Box Packing in North East PA is a monthly event where friendships are made while work is done for a great cause, join us for many volunteer opportunities while we show our neighbors and our country the character of our campaign.

A wonderful day of conversation and tabling at the Philly Bike Fest!

Volunteer Notary! . "We need volunteer notaries for our petition drive, if you are a notary and want to lend a hand, please sign up here!"


Volunteer Notary!

Small Businesses for Kennedy Sign-Up! "The support of local businesses will be essential during our petition drive! If you own a local business and it is available for Kennedy volunteers to collect signatures on location, please sign up here!"

Small Businesses for Kennedy Sign-Up!

CHECK OUT  the new Kennedy 2024 merchandise!

If you would like to volunteer, sign up here. Join our New York State Facebook group for updates.

Thank you for your continued support. Every dollar you give moves us one step closer to the White House.

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Team Kennedy · CA 90049, United States
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