
The Supreme Court is facing a crisis of legitimacy.

Billionaires like Harlan Crow and Federalist Society co-chair Leonard Leo have spent decades shaping a right-wing majority on the Supreme Court, creating a corporatist majority that votes with their corporate backers at every opportunity and will influence policy for future generations. This dynamic invites biased rulings which often defy constitutional mandates. Revelations of monied-interest judicial influence, corruption, lack of ethical standards, and apparent lawbreaking by justices on the Court have severe and far-reaching consequences on the integrity and independence of our judiciary, as well as the very fabric of our democracy.

If we want to protect the promise of equal justice under the law, the Supreme Court must be restored to a nonpartisan branch that is free from outside influence. That is why Free Speech For People is taking action to address the impact that corrupt adhesion to big money interests has on the Supreme Court today, demanding that the Senate Judiciary Committee exert its authority in overseeing the federal judiciary and issue the subpoenas it previously authorized against Crow and Leo.

We’re committed to keeping the pressure on the Senate Judiciary Committee and its chairperson, Senator Dick Durbin, to do the right thing here. But we need your support. Will you chip in what you can today to help us challenge corruption on the Supreme Court?

Free Speech For People has been a leading voice in the fight for accountability on the Supreme Court. We’ve called for an impeachment investigation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh since his confirmation in October 2018, based on evidence of perjury before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2004, 2006, and 2018, alleged sexual assault, and bringing the judiciary into disrepute. When ProPublica published its bombshell April 2023 report about Justice Clarence Thomas receiving and failing to disclose gifts from Crow, we were among the first to call for an impeachment inquiry. That call has only strengthened with every new revelation of Justice Thomas’s corruption, including his refusal to recuse himself from cases involving Donald Trump’s scheme to try to overturn the 2020 presidential election – despite Justice Thomas’s clear conflict of interest in those cases given his wife’s direct involvement in that scheme.

These calls for action are necessary to protect our Constitution and our republic. Misconduct of this magnitude must not go unchallenged. By donating today, you are helping us ensure that no one, not even members of the nation’s highest court, can subvert our democracy.

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Thanks for all you do.

In solidarity,
Free Speech For People

Paid for by Free Speech For People
[email protected]

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