Dear Friends,

You are invited to join NRCAT, the Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration (EMI), and advocates from across the U.S. in Dallas this June for a national conference focused on training, inspiration, network building, and mobilization.

Senator Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock will kick off this year’s annual EMI conference, which will focus on movement and coalition building to equip faith communities, solitary survivors, and advocates to effectively engage in the fight against the prison industrial complex. The “Let My People Go” Un-Conference will be held at the Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas from June 24-26, 2024. Our host congregation, Friendship-West Baptist, is led by the incomparable Rev. Dr. Frederick Haynes III, a national leader and passionate social justice activist. Read more about the event and register.

Speakers will include:

• Senator Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock, Convener and Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church
• Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, Host Pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church
• Rabbi Lydia Medwin, Co-Chair of the Multifaith EMI Board and Associate Rabbi at The Temple
• Rev. Dr. John Vaughn, Co-Chair of the Multifaith EMI Board and Executive Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church
• Rev. Devon Jerome Crawford, National Executive Director of Multifaith EMI
• Nicole Wiesen, MSC, CCTS-I, Georgia Regional Coordinator of Multifaith EMI
• Deirdra Reed, Multifaith EMI Board Member and Community Organizer 
• Rev. Dr. Willie Dwayne Francois, President, Black Church Center for Justice and Equality

NRCAT has been honored to serve as a founding member of EMI since its inception in 2019. We hope you’ll register today for a time of connection, education, and inspiration.

I’m looking forward to attending and I hope to see you there!


Johnny Perez
Director, U.S. Prisons Program

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
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