We’re now four weeks past Primary Election Day. Most results are in and fields are set for the November 5 general election. Here’s our take on the primary election by the numbers:
- Voter turnout was 35% -- This was better news than expected. Turnout was higher than the 33% turnout for the 2022 primary election but lower than the 47% turnout for the 2020 presidential primary. Turnout ranged across the state, from 23% in Imperial County) to 61% in Sierra County.(1)
- More than 66,000 voters used our 2024 primary election Courage Voter Guide. Nearly half were voters aged 18-34 years old! 39,000 used the guide in the last two days of the election, and one-third of the voters came to the guide through Google ads -- made possible by Courage member support.
- Of the 19 candidates Courage endorsed, 2 candidates won outright in the primary with over 50% of the vote in their local races (cheers to LA Supervisor Holly Mitchell and LA City Councilmember Nithya Raman!) and 11 are heading to run-offs against Republicans or corporate-backed Democrats.
- Wealthy corporations and industries spent over $35 million in the primary election to oppose progressive Democrats and promote conservative Republicans and Democrats.
Courage California had some great wins and tough losses, and it comes down to a big showdown up and down the November 5 ballot.
We also know that $35 million is only the start of what the opposition is going to spend to elect legislators who will block our progress and pull California back from our position as a leader for the nation.
Courage California knows how to stretch every dollar to stay ahead of the wealthy corporations and MAGA extremists who are trying to claw back the progress we've made. We can't wait until the fall to kickstart our election work into high gear!
Even $5 a month makes a difference to us, Friend. Will you start a recurring donation to Courage California now so we can support progressive candidates, turn out key voters, and hold our representatives accountable over the next seven months into November 5th?
Yes, I'll make a recurring donation.
No, I can't give monthly.
There’s a lot at stake -- California has 6 competitive races to take back the House, 13 state legislative races to flip from Republicans and corporate Democrats to progressive Democrats, many tough mayoral and local races, and several ballot measures that will pit progressives against wealthy industries.
We’re hitting the ground running now with our plan to reach the voters we need to win big on November 5th:
- Keep the drumbeat of accountability going on Republicans and corporate Democrats through our Courage Score and Valley Families Unite campaigns.(2,3)
- Take our successful Latina town hall on the road with in-region partners in the Central Valley, Inland Empire, and more.(4)
- Poll voters in congressional districts and collaborate with state and national partners to turn them out to vote.(5)
- Put our general election Courage Voter Guide in front of 500,000 voters with targeted ads.
- Produce the third season of our Gen Z-focused podcast with a special focus on getting out the vote.
Yes, I'll make a recurring donation.
No, I can't give monthly.
Yours in the fight for progressive wins,
–Irene, Annie, Angela, Isidra, Mario, Marvin, Alyssa, Jen, and Lindsay (the Courage team)
Footnote: 1. https://pp.electionresults.sos.ca.gov/returns/maps/voter-turnout 2. https://couragescore.org/ 3. https://www.valleyfamiliesunite.org/ 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQmKPsgxaao&t=7s 5. https://couragecalifornia.org/california-poll-results/?t=21&akid=15009%2E3168579%2ESxoU-Y  |