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April 3, 2024

How to Find and Identify Spring Warblers with Matt Felperin on April 16

Photo: Yellow-throated Warbler, Matt Felperin

When: Thursday, April 16, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Virtual
Member ticket: $25
Non-member ticket: $35

Spring warblers are some of the most exciting birds to see, but can be difficult to locate, observe and identify for newer (and even experienced) birders. Join us for a talk on the art of ‘warblering’: you will learn where and when to look, which warblers you are likely to see and their distinctive field marks and behavior to help you find these elusive birds. Join us on April 16 for a webinar with Matt Felperin! Matt Felperin is a DC area local, raised in Takoma Park, MD. He is the Roving Naturalist with NOVA Parks, the regional park system of Northern Virginia. As the Roving Naturalist, Matt leads environmental education and recreation programs such as bird walks and kayak tours for the public. Sign up and learn more here


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