Welcome to Wednesday, April 3rd, nations...

Israeli strikes killed aid workers, while Gaza's death toll passes 30,000. 

Seven aid workers with World Central Kitchen were killed in the Gaza Strip when an Israeli strike hit their convoy. The aid workers were unloading more than 100 tons of food brought to Gaza, where U.S. officials say a famine is occurring.

The death toll in Gaza has surpassed 30,000 since the war broke out in October. The U.N. estimates that 12,000 children have been killed.

How do you feel about the U.S.'s response to the war?

Gravvy's Fight for Justice Spread

Can Universal Basic Income Tackle AI Impact?

For years, universal basic income (UBI) has been a point of contention in the U.S., garnering fluctuating political and social backing. UBI is seen by its supporters as a solution to modern day realities and challenges posed by the rising use of AI, such as wage inequality and job insecurity. 

Estimates from Goldman Sachs suggest that generative AI has the potential to automate tasks equivalent to 300 million full-time jobs worldwide.

What do you think? Do you support universal basic income as a solution to address the impact of AI on jobs?

2024 Election Map: Click on Your State for Registration Dates & Deadlines

This year's election season is moving along swiftly. Are you ready for your state's primary and general elections? 

Use our interactive map to find your state's deadlines to register to vote, apply for a mail-in ballot, and more. From general primaries to presidential primaries to Election Day 2024, the Causes Voter Center will make sure you're prepared.

Are you ready for your state's elections?

And, in the End...

Today is National Day of Hope, a day dedicated to fighting against child abuse and neglect. An estimated 600,000 children experienced abuse and neglect in 2021--a number that is suspected to be extremely underreported. 

How can you make a change on National Day of Hope? You can donate to four organizations helping make the world a better place through Gravvy's Effective Altruism Spread. Gravvy helps these organizations save the most lives per dollar donated. Learn more here.

Effective Altruism Spread

-Jamie Epstein

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