Earlier this month, we migrated content on greaterdc.urban.org to Urban’s main website. Now all Urban Institute content on the greater DC region can be found at our new research area page.
The Data Explorer feature was removed as part of this change, and we are exploring other options for sharing local data. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!
Coaching is a key part of DC’s efforts to improve the supply of quality child care. Reported successes include improving child care facility quality and directors’ and owners’ sense of themselves as professionals.
Early educators share that DC’s Pay Equity Fund helps advance fair pay that reflects their credentials and responsibilities, increases their capacity to focus on children’s needs and development, and promotes retention.
The Pay Equity Fund has made it easier to recruit and retain teachers, child care center directors report, but they also note that eligibility rules meant the fund couldn’t fully promote pay equity goals.
Survey findings show Pay Equity Fund payments helped DC early educators afford basic needs such as housing, utilities, and food and increased their financial well-being, helping them pay off debts and build savings.
Watch the 2024 Housing Indicator Tool release event and conversations from cross-sector leaders discussing how each sector can help address the affordability crisis, increase housing supply, and create a more equitable region.
Watch a discussion on
recent investment trends into the DC region and how place-based and people-based community development policy tools can support both growth and equity.
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