
Seth spent the majority of this week responding to the tragic mass shootings last weekend and advocating for stronger gun laws and gun violence prevention.

Seth made two things very clear this week:

1. We know how to reduce gun violence.


2. We aren’t able to because of Republicans’ inaction.

He went on to refute a number of Republican talking points around the gun debate:

Seth wrapped up the week on The Vegas Take. He talked about real leadership, mass shootings, and hate crimes.

In what was a difficult week for communities across the country, Seth showed leadership. He got out there and talked about the issues at hand—and most importantly, how to solve them. He understands what many millions of Americans understand: mass shootings are preventable with stronger gun legislation. He picked apart Republican talking points that blame mental health for white supremicist shootings and use the second amendment as cover for the NRA and the continued sale of assault weapons.

It’s an important time to have someone like Seth leading, because there is no leadership to be found in the highest levels of government. Help us continue Seth’s work to get this message out by making a contribution before the end of the weekend.

Thank you,

Team Moulton