It's was no April Fool's joke
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Ilhan Omar Calls for Sharia Flogging of Critics with '80 Stripes' ([link removed]) It's was no April Fool's joke Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Bernie Sanders Wants US to Give $75 Mil to Terrorists Because ... Corona ([link removed]) Even if the US weren't in the middle of an economic crisis, this is outrageous Read and Share ([link removed])
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Quarantines Exposing More Kids to Radicalization ([link removed]) Learn what makes our children vulnerable Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Ilhan Omar & Bernie Sanders Say Cancel Iran Sanctions ([link removed]) Why don't they first tell Iran to cancel terrorism? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
ISIS Prisoners Released Because … Corona? ([link removed])
“'However, they reported no cases of the disease as yet in the prisons, making the release questionable.' You really cannot make this up can you?”
- D.P.
Honor Culture Prevents Corona Treatment, Quarantine ([link removed])
“There is no honor in that culture!”
- J.R.
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