From Forward Party <>
Subject Have you ever thought about running for office?
Date April 2, 2024 4:57 PM
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John --

The Forward Party is growing, and we're always looking for new candidates for office who want to approach politics trying to solve problems, not stoke partisan flames. There are over 500,000 offices across this country, and many of them are unfilled! If you've ever thought of serving your community, this is a great way to do so. Please, sign up below and someone from Forward will reach out to discuss race selection and what to expect. With our expertise and partnerships, running for local office has never been easier.

<[link removed]>Run For Office! <[link removed]>

Two members of our Pennsylvania Party have already taken the plunge! Last week, two Forward candidates announced for statewide office: 

Eric Settle

Eric Settle is running for Attorney General because that office needs someone who isn’t beholden to the two legacy parties. Attorney General is a role that needs to make deeply consequential nonpartisan decisions every day—they could even be called upon to ensure that our next election is free and fair. Eric has spent his entire career as an attorney before serving on Governor Josh Shapiro’s transition team. He worked in Gov. Ridge's office, helped usher in one of the strongest laws ensuring health care coverage for children with autism, and has served as counsel to a health care company. His wealth of knowledge and variety of experiences will ensure he can carry out the varied work of the AG's office. 

Chris Foster

Chris Foster is a business owner and tennis professional who’s running for State Treasurer in Pennsylvania. A problem solver at heart, Chris looks to bring a nonpartisan eye to the role of treasurer, a position that needs to be impartial. “This independent branch of government should make informed and objective decisions that maximize return on investments, minimize risks, and safeguard taxpayer dollars, party and politics free,” Chris said during his announcement speech. 

Do These Candidates Sound Like You? Sign Up To Run For Office As AForwardist! <[link removed]>

If you submit your information today, someone will reach out to discuss available seats with you and point you towards state-of-the-art tools and support that can help you put a campaign plan together, write press releases, and lead you to victory.


Pennsylvania Forward Party Announces Two Candidates For Statewide Races <[link removed]>| Fox 43

The PA Forward Party launched two candidates for statewide office. Eric Settle and Chris Foster will be running under the FWD banner for Attorney General and State Treasurer, respectively. 

“People are sick of the polarization, of the blame game, and of things falling apart," said Yang, who is the Forward Party co-chair. "That's why this is such an important opportunity for Pennsylvanian voters to say, 'we get it. We want better for ourselves.'"

Forward Party Announces Candidates For State Attorney General, Treasurer in 2024 <[link removed]>| City & State Pennsylvania

“I truly believe that the Forward Party is focused on solving our greatest problems and in the best position to be the fulcrum for change,” Settle said Tuesday, adding that as a Forward Party candidate, he seeks to “use this office not as a stepping stone for higher office, but as a platform to use the laws and the constitution of Pennsylvania to make our commonwealth a safer, cleaner, healthier and fairer place for us, our children and grandchildren.”


April 02 | Cincinnati Area Forward Organizing Call

Join fellow Cincinnati area Forwardists for their April planning and organizing call. Join and find out how you can help. Register → <[link removed]>

April 02 | Black Voters Committee April Meeting

Forward's Black Voters Committee is holding their April meeting and they want you to attend! If you want to help shape the future policy for Black voters in America, this committee is actively seeking new members. Sign up for the committee and they'll send you the details for the meeting. Register → <[link removed]>

April 06 | Colorado Forward Party Nominations Assembly

A historic day for the Colorado Forward Party! This April 6th, they’ll be holding their first ever Candidate Nominating Assembly. They’ll be gathering virtually and nominating/endorsing candidates for office in 2024. Join them and become part of history. Register → <[link removed]>

April 07 | Maryland March 2024 Book Club

Join the Maryland Forward Party for their monthly book club meeting. Discuss "The Decadent Society” by Ross Douthat along with all things Forward. Register → <[link removed]>

April 09 | Maryland Forward Party Statewide Meeting

Maryland Forwardists are holding their monthly organizing meeting on April 9th via Google Meets. Join them and hear all the plans for April and figure out how you can help move the party #Forward. Register → <[link removed]>

April 10 | Veterans and Veteran Families Committee April Meeting

Forward's Veterans and Veteran Families Committee is holding their April meeting, and they want you to attend! If you want to help shape the future policy for veterans in America, this committee is actively seeking new members. Sign up for the committee, and they'll send you the details for the meeting. Register for the Committee → <[link removed]>


Democrats Take Another Crack At Federal Election Reform <[link removed]> | The Fulcrum

Ranked Choice Voting Can Become A Reality If Voters Push For It <[link removed]> | Chicago Sun Times

Gen Z and Voting: The Final Standoff <[link removed]> | YR Media

America's Primary System Is Broken; Open Primaries Are Needed <[link removed]> | Omaha World-Herald


Forward Party - 1701 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, United States

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