House Budget Chairman, Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19) endorses Bob Good!

“It is my privilege to endorse Bob Good for re-election in Virginia’s 5th District. Bob is one of the most principled conservative fighters in Washington, and a valuable member of the Budget Committee. He has relentlessly fought to reduce our spending and restore fiscal responsibility in Congress. Please join me in supporting him in his primary and in the general election.”

At the beginning of the 118th Congress, Rep. Arrington was elected to serve as Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Now in his fourth term, he is focused on leading the charge to “Reverse the Curse” of our national debt, and reforming the culture of Washington as a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee.

"I am thankful to have the support and endorsement of Jodey Arrington, and I look forward to continuing our work together to cut spending and offer a balanced budget," said Congressman Bob Good.

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