URGENT: COVID-19 outbreaks could decimate already vulnerable refugee camps. Rush emergency aid now >>
Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh is the largest refugee camp in the world. In the camp of more than 850,000 Rohingya refugees, it is impossible to remain six feet from your neighbors or regularly wash your hands. This refugee camp is a perfect storm for the spread of the novel coronavirus, and already cases of COVID-19 are being reported.
We must act now, Friend. Send emergency aid to protect the world's most vulnerable people from this pandemic >>
This crisis is closer to home than any other most of us have experienced, and we hope you are staying safe. It has certainly upended our lives, but Friend, the closest hospital to Cox's Bazar with an intensive care unit has only 10 beds.
The global refugee crisis has left tens of millions without shelter or protection. We must step up now because with every day, more families are at risk. Your donation right now will help UNICEF protect vulnerable children around the world during the coronavirus global public health emergency.
We can't forget vulnerable children and families at a time like this.
Please, give what you can.
Thank you,
UNICEF USA 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
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