The campaign for the House hinges on your support!
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Liquid error: Internal error



Dear John,

The stakes have never been higher, and the future of our Republican Majority in the House is on the line. Radical Democrats are mobilizing to overturn the progress we have made, and only with your unwavering support can we safeguard our achievements and continue the fight for American values.

We need your immediate action to protect our GOP Majority in battleground races across the entire nation.

As the Senior Advisor to House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, I see firsthand the relentless efforts being made by the Left to derail our mission. They play dirty, twisting narratives and undermining conservative policies at every turn. But they underestimate the power of grassroots Republicans like you—who feel the pulse of real America and uphold the principles our nation was founded upon.

John, it's time to stand up and be counted. This is not just a political skirmish; this is a pivotal moment that demands our utmost attention and commitment.

Your contribution of $10 or more today can make the definitive difference in this critical hour.

The hour is dire, and complacency is not an option. We have seen the chaos that ensues when Far-Left policies take hold—open borders, skyrocketing crime rates, and a floundering economy. Every dollar you contribute goes directly towards countering the false narratives and securing victories for GOP candidates who are committed to restoring order and prosperity.

Remember, every pocket of America must unite under this cause. Regardless of whether you hail from the bustling cities or the heartland's quiet towns, your voice matters. It is imperative we fight together, with one accord, to stave off the advances of those who seek to overturn our values and way of life.

I implore you, do not sit by idly as the tides of politics shift and turn against us. Rally to our side, contribute to the cause, and let's keep our majority strong.

We count on your steadfastness—not tomorrow, not next week, but right now. Your immediate action secures the frontline of defense for conservative governance and the preservation of our nation's core principles.

Become a cornerstone of our campaign; let your contribution be your battle cry for a prosperous, secure, and free America.

Act NOW: Support our GOP candidates with your donation of $10 or more.

With courage and conviction,

Alex DeGrasse
Senior Advisor to House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik

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House GOP Battleground Fund is committed to defending our Republican House majority and electing Republicans in Battleground Races across the country. Thank you for being a part of our movement. This message was sent to [email protected] because you are a member of the House GOP Battleground Fund grassroots network.

Contributions to House GOP Battleground Fund, or to any participating Committee individually, are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor organizations, national banks, federal government contractors, foreign nationals without green cards, and other federally impermissible sources are prohibited. The donor’s signature designates his or her contribution to the elections described above. Contributions that exceed a donor’s contribution limit to a participating Committee shall be reallocated to the remaining Committees according to this allocation formula to the extent permitted by FECA. Any contribution that would otherwise cause a donor to exceed any applicable contribution limit or that is otherwise impermissible under FECA shall be refunded. Any donor may designate his or her contribution to a specific participant Committee to the extent permitted by FECA. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of each individual whose aggregate contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle or calendar year, as applicable.

House GOP Battleground Fund, PO Box 500, Glens Falls, NY 12801, United States

Contributions to House GOP Battleground Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by House GOP Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress, E-PAC, and NY Republican Federal Campaign Committee.