Yes, it’s April Fool’s Day – and yet we’re sending a serious email. Trust us when we say you can read on without risk of having the joke be on you.
Shift Washington

Friends –

Yes, it’s April Fool’s Day – and yet we’re sending a serious email. Trust us when we say you can read on without risk of having the joke be on you.

You see, the team at Shift decided that the opportunity to use the end of March for a fundraising effort celebrating the end of the legislative session would be a bit unseemly given the timing of Good Friday and Easter. (Something the White House might have given some consideration to before making its own March 31 announcement).

Instead, we decided to reach out this week for your help in shifting focus from matters legislative to electoral – and make sure that Democrat gaslighting does not go unchallenged in this crucial election year.

We will be calling particular attention to the latest example of the Democrats’ commitment to re-writing their poor legislative history which came from Attorney General and wannabe Governor Bob Ferguson, in the form of his campaign’s plan for “public safety”. Unfortunately, for those paying attention, AG Ferguson has frequently chosen partisan politics over public safety during his decades in office, from advocating for hard drug legalization to ignoring the takeover of Seattle streets during his party’s "mostly-peaceful” protests during 2020’s “Summer of Love”.

Now that March and the legislative session are over, will you chip in $25 or more to ensure that we have the resources to ensure honest coverage of the upcoming election and bring you the stories and information you need to know about?

One story we know needs more highlighting was Drew Mikkelson from KING 5 interviewing Ferguson after the release of his public safety plan, when Mikkelson  asked if his party had any culpability for getting us into the current situation that he suddenly now wants to fix. You can see for yourself how Ferguson tossed out a word salad that demanded a follow up question which was not allowed.

For the past 10 years, Shift has shone a light on Far-Left shenanigans across Washington state and worked to hold the liberal media accountable for their inability/refusal to ask the hard questions. Please donate today so we can have the resources to continue this important work during this critical election cycle.

Since KING 5 unfortunately decided to settle with a puff piece and not follow up with any hard questions, we thought we would ask you what questions you think really need answering and we will see if we can get any answers from Ferguson’s campaign. Feel free to reply to this email with your question for Ferguson – whether from the KING 5 story or not – and we’ll work with others to engage his campaign (and reporters) on social media to try to get answers.

This being April Fool’s Day, there are no guarantees, of course. But Shift will keep pushing to get answers.

Thanks for reading and supporting our important work.

The Shift WA Team