It’s with great pride that we, staff and National Campaign Team of Resource Generation announce that we’re launching a national campaign on housing to flank Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)’s House Everyone Campaign this Spring. We’ve been invited by CPD to take part in a once in a generation effort to restructure our economy and political landscape to make housing a human right and not a commodity! Housing is one of the places where the wealth of a few is most directly linked to the exploitation and marginalization of working-class and poor people in this country. We believe that as some of the only young people for whom home ownership is an option, we have a moral and a strategic mandate to make a stable, safe home a right, not a privilege!
We’ve made the decision to throw down on this campaign after much research and community engagement including consulting National Campaign partners and movement allies, RG Board and Staff, and conducting a member-involved campaign decision-making process. Flanking CPD means we’re working toward their campaign goals and developing a complementary strategy to mobilize our base and resources to meet those goals. Long term, we are working towards housing justice: the decommodification of housing and the end of housing insecurity and homelessness. Read the strategy quick sheet developed by our national campaign team to learn what this campaign could mean for you and your chapter/ at large formation.
To prepare for this big effort together, we’re inviting everyone to sign up and invite your chapter to our All Member Call on May 2nd!
During this all member call, you’ll hear about our shared vision for what this Housing campaign could accomplish, meet CPD Housing organizers, engage in some popular education on housing and convene with your chapter or at large formation to reflect and plan. We’re asking chapter leaders to host in person watch parties to gather, digest and plan, sign up here.
In Solidarity, Nora Leccese Campaign Director
Campaign Training is a multi-week cohort-style campaign training program to learn and practice key campaign skills. This training will cover campaign essentials and support RG chapters in building a solidarity-style campaign to flank our local partners' grassroots campaign work. Training Outcomes: -
Participants will learn key campaign organizing skills to build the strength of their chapter and to apply in their local campaign context as an RG chapter.
- Participants will be ready to establish strong solidarity relationships with local campaign partners
Participants will build a network of fellow RG Campaign Organizers across the country.
- Participants will leave with an established Campaign Plan to implement in their local context.
- Participants will receive campaign coaching throughout and after the training program to implement campaign strategies.
- Participants will have access to a repository of resources to utilize for campaign endeavors.
When and Where: -
Dates: Weekly Sessions on Thursday evenings, May 9, 2024 - June 13, 2024, 6 sessions total
- Duration: 2 hours per session from 7-9PM ET / 4-6 PM PT + some additional homework.
For more information come to our Open House on Apr 18, 2024 5 pm EST / 8 pm PST or check out our sign-up form here! |
We're so excited to announce that our group of RG members in Asheville is officially a chapter!! We're six dues-paying member-leaders strong, with a wider network of at least a dozen.
From pre-pandemic organizing, to our open house in July 2022, through 2023 praxis and into our recent partnership conversations (with BIPOC-led farms, radical philanthropic orgs, and mutual aid orgs), we're really proud of the foundation we've laid. And we can't wait to implement the national housing campaign here in the mountains. Here's a pic of us foraging for mushrooms last summer. If you have questions about any of this (including mushrooms) email us at! |
RG Ohio is deep into Praxis with all seven active members of our chapter! We held our most recent session in-person in Columbus, and had the incredible honor of hearing from two longtime local organizers, Stuart McIntyre and Ekundayo Igeleke, about Ohio's movement ecosystem - where it's been, where it's going, and how RG can plug in and help build power. We learned a ton and are feeling really excited about opportunities to partner with other formations doing important work in our state and beyond!
You're invited to an exciting opportunity to (re)connect with RG members all over the South, brainstorm/plot for 2024, and meet the new Southern regional organizer. It's an All South Call Gab (Asheville) and Lathram (Nashville) are hosting on the evening of Tuesday, April 2nd at 7pm EST / 6pm CST. Our hope is that at least two members from each chapter in the South join us!
RSVP via this form to get the zoom link: |
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RG Michigan is gearing up for more campaigns and resource mobilization work in 2024. We just celebrated the completion of a praxis group -- which moved 30k! We just started a new praxis group in Ann Arbor this month with six participants. At the end of this month, we will have a retreat to take decisions about our 2024 campaigns and resource mobilization goals. |
Vermont RG'ers joined forces with Fair Share Vermont to collect signatures in support of a proposed high income and wealth tax in Vermont. RG'ers and their family members made up 13 of the 23 initial signatures on the letter (which also included Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream). The proposal is to enact a 3% income tax surcharge on those making over $500,000 a year. Amidst fears of these taxes driving wealthy residents out of the state, RG'ers and other wealthy Vermonters' voices play an important role in showing lawmakers that there are high income and high wealth residents who support more taxation of the richest residents.
Read more here: |
Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, national abortion funds have led the fight in ensuring that Americans can access the reproductive care that they need. Abortion funds in the South, where access to abortion and other forms of reproductive care have become increasingly limited, have been hit the hardest. To meet the growing demands of their communities, funds across the South need consistent, long-term investment from foundations, individuals, and organizations dedicated to moving money for reproductive care. Join Resource Generation and the member-led Fund Abortion Now! campaign for a "Don't Abandon the South" event on April 4 to learn more about how individuals with access to wealth can support the reproductive justice movement in the South and mobilize resources to those working on the frontlines. This political education webinar will include a panel of reproductive justice experts working with funds across the South. RSVP here:
Come engage in communal artistic visioning for the RG National Campaign on housing justice launching in May. There will be a chance to do some storytelling around our own experience with housing and class, and an opportunity to make some visual art together that could potentially be used for the campaign graphics.
Additionally we are putting out a call for submissions for those who cannot make the salon, but are interested in submitting an image to be used for the campaign graphics. Please follow the link here. |
During this all member call, you’ll hear about our shared vision for what this Housing campaign could accomplish, meet CPD Housing organizers, engage in some popular education on housing and convene with your chapter or at large formation to reflect and plan. |
We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member, and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form!
Resource Generation 1216 Broadway New York, NY 10001 United States |
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