Monday, April 1, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
A Widow’s Righteous Anger
Sadly, this will be an Easter forever burned into the heart of Stephanie Diller. She buried her police officer husband, Jonathan Diller, shot by a vile thug who should not have been on the streets.
In a deeply moving eulogy, Stephanie fell back on the values of family and faith. She shared with the mourners what a wonderful husband her slain hero was and the pride on his face when their son, Ryan, was born one year ago.
But Stephanie Diller also called out the leftist politicians who wanted to come to the funeral, even though they also have Jonathan’s blood on their hands.
“How many more police officers and how many families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them,” she asked. Thousands of police officers who stood outside the church were asking the same question.
Four current and former presidents were in New York last week. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden did not offer one word of comfort for Stephanie Diller or her family.
Only Donald Trump quietly attended Officer Diller’s wake. Father Michael Duffy asked President Trump if he would join them in prayer. “Of course,” Trump said, and he joined the room in saying the Lord’s Prayer.
Father Duffy added, “Then the president so beautifully turned and kissed baby Ryan on the forehead. And the baby clapped at the president. It just broke the tension. . . [It] meant so much to the family and to the people in that room.”
That’s a side of Donald Trump the left-wing media will never show the American people.
It’s striking that yet again we see an American Christian rising to the occasion. Jonathan Diller rose to the occasion every day he went out onto the streets, as do thousands of American police officers.
But in her grief, Stephanie Diller showed righteous anger. She took the time to go back and read the eulogies other police wives had written for their fallen husbands. Many of them also asked when our government would wake up and protect the people who keep us safe.
This righteous anger is rising all over America. We see it in Laken Riley’s parents. We see it in the father who cried out, “Abbey Gate,” from the House gallery as he watched the man who left his son at the mercy of jihadists in Afghanistan.
It was also the men at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, though not enough of them, as they jumped up and removed the pro-genocidal demonstrators who interrupted an Easter mass. (See below.)
If we are going to save America from the secular, neo-Marxist left, more men and women of faith, filled with righteous anger, must stand up and fight for our values!
Easter Without Jesus
The Biden White House held the annual Easter Egg Roll today. Part of the event featured a competition for the children of National Guard soldiers. They were invited to decorate an egg template depicting “a snapshot of their life.”
But the instructions came with a long list of banned depictions, including “religious symbols” and “overtly religious themes.” Evidently, Jesus is not welcome at Biden’s White House Easter Egg Roll.
That’s not surprising, considering that Biden issued a proclamation declaring Easter Sunday “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This was an obvious insult to millions of Christians.
At Christmas, we celebrate God becoming a man and entering the world. Jesus walked the earth, explaining how we can find eternal life. He was brutally executed by the big government of His day and was buried in a tomb.
Unlike any other faith in the world, He rose from the dead, and forever defeated Satan and death for all of us. That is what Christians celebrated this weekend.
But that holy day warranted just three short paragraphs from the White House, less than 100 words, and not much more than a perfunctory passing reference to the resurrection.
In stark contrast, Biden’s transgender proclamation goes on for two pages. It not only marks something, it advocates for it. Its 635 words are an act of persuasion, telling you that this is what you must accept, yet it is full of complete lies.
It is clearly far more important to the Biden White House that we accept the lies in those two pages that are directly contrary to the Bible and biology, than we accept the truth of the resurrection.
In fact, the words used to describe transgender individuals are words the Biden/Harris regime would never say about Jesus Christ. They were described as “extraordinarily courageous,” “part of the fabric of our nation,” and deserving of “dignity and respect.”
They would never say that about Christians.
Insulting And Dangerous
Was no one at the White House at all cognizant of the fact that issuing a proclamation on the day of Christ’s crucifixion recognizing the day of Christ’s resurrection as “Transgender Visibility Day” might be insulting to Christians?
Is there even one practicing, faithful Christian at the White House who advised that they think twice about such a statement?
Several apologists suggested that Transgender Visibility Day has been recognized for years, and Biden was doing what he has done every year.
Well, Transgender Visibility Day started 15 years ago. In the history of mankind, that’s about a second ago. And Joe Biden was under no obligation to issue a proclamation recognizing it. Meanwhile, the world has been marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ for over 2,000 years.
It’s not just that Biden’s White House did this. It’s the over-the-top embrace of the trans narrative that they are persecuted, prosecuted, ostracized, and treated as if they have no dignity.
Yet, Biden insists they be treated with dignity, even as they demand access to your daughter’s bathroom and the right to cheat in athletic competitions. Reading his proclamation, you would have thought that a transgender person climbed on the cross and saved mankind!
Radical transgender activists are sick. We should pray for them, and we should help get them the appropriate treatment to cure their mental disorder.
That’s how we would show legitimate love and respect. Not by forcing this radical ideology in our schools. Not by demanding the whole country embrace their insanity. Not by changing our vocabulary to accommodate their sickness. And not by encouraging our children to go down that dangerous road of confusion and delusion.
By the way, Joe Biden wasn’t the only one offending Christians this weekend. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence took over a public park in San Francisco for a despicable and blasphemous event that mocked Jesus. Thousands attended the annual event. Do they deserve dignity and respect?

A Disturbing Trend
The disruption of the Easter mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral is part of a disturbing trend.
Ever since the October 7th massacre took place in Israel, two things have happened. First, a tidal wave of anti-Semitism was unleashed around the world. Ponder and pray about that for a moment.
Why would a murderous attack and the mass rape of Israeli women set off a wave of vicious anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world? How much hate must be in someone’s heart for them to tear down posters of Jewish hostages?
But that wasn’t all. That vicious anti-Semitism was followed by violent attempts to stop Christians from celebrating Christmas. (Here and here.) How does going after Christians fit into a Hamas attack on Israel?
Is it really impossible for people to connect the dots about what we are witnessing? The Islamic supremacists and their neo-Marxist allies despise the “Saturday people” and the “Sunday people.”
Now Christian churches and holidays are just another battlefield in the radical left’s relentless attack on Judeo-Christian civilization. There will be more of these atrocities.
As people come to understand what is happening, some will soil themselves and surrender. They will rush to hang the rainbow flag outside their homes and churches and launch more interfaith taskforces to “fight hate in all its forms.”
Others will become righteously angry. They will be motivated to stand up, step out of their comfort zones, and do things they never would have done before in order to save our country and defend the faith they have been blessed to experience. I know which group I want to be in.
Tune In To Family Talk
Please tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show today to hear Part 1 of my discussion with Pastor Jack Hibbs, founder and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. Pastor Hibbs shares his testimony, as well as the opportunity to stand boldly in the faith after he caused a stir on Capitol Hill for his prayer.
You can find station listings here. Or you can listen online here.