In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
A religious leader has been criticised over a "plague protection kit" he claims are based on biblical instructions and will protect people from Covid-19.
Paediatrician Dr Andrew Sawczenko says strictly-Orthodox Jews are vulnerable due to over-crowding and having large families, as he urges observance of social distancing.
A top medical expert has sharply criticised the founder of the Jewish Community Council of North London for urging the government to back a high-risk drug to treat coronavirus.
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has released the full, weighted results of its 2019 membership survey on assisted dying, revealing an even greater shift in opinion from its 2013 poll.
The Catholic bishops of England and Wales have expressed their shock at an emergency policy to allow "do-it-yourself abortions" during the coronavirus pandemic.
Poland's Catholic Church is facing a tidal wave of compensation bills after the country's highest court ruled it is liable for damages for people abused by its priests and religious.
An anti-gay evangelist who spearheads Samaritan's Purse has erected a 68-bed hospital in New York City's Central Park to assist with an influx of Covid-19 patients — while calling for "Christian" volunteers to join his crusade.
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