To put it nicely, we think Donnie
has had a lot of time with his thoughts lately. Just his thoughts.
Even though his rallies still attract a modest crowd and he’ll always
have his loyal idiots in Congress, at the end of the day, he’s lonely.
He’s alone in the search for his nearly half-billion-dollar bond, he’s
alone when he’s ranting on Truth Social at 2:30 in the morning on
Easter, and he’s the lone option left for the smoldering wreck of the
GOP, even though primary voters keep casting ballots for candidates
who aren't even in the race anymore.

We’d say we feel bad for him, but
why lie? This is great. We’ve been pulling for this. It only took two
impeachments, four indictments, multiple bankruptcies, and an
insurrection for people to finally realize that they may not want to
hang around The Donald. They’re finally picking up on the fact that
he’s a loser, a buffoon, and a sociopath. After this election, there
will be nobody left. He’ll sit in his run-down Florida resort every
night stewing over the fact that he got whooped by President Biden.
Don’t we paint a nice picture? If
we keep up the pace leading up to November, we’ll make it a reality.
us get there>>
-The Lincoln Project