John, March comes to a close with gorgeous weather and Spring holidays still in full swing - Enjoy this beautiful close to the month, Happy Easter to those celebrating today, and let’s get excited for April!
The Women Empowerment Forum has been rescheduled to Tuesday, April 2nd! Location and time are unchanged: Central Library’s Bluemont Room at 6:30. Jan-Micheal Sacharko, Director of Development at Doorways, will be sharing about the organization’s history and mission. March may be over, but Women’s History is worth honoring every month; please come by!
Later this month, get ready to get your glam on while supporting Democratic victory, because the Blue Victory Victory is right around the corner on April 20th! This event is key in our ability to win this November, so get tickets for the main event AND the Blue Victory After Dark (hosted by your favorite Young Dems) now!
It’s also Trans Day of Visibility, so shout out to my trans and non-binary siblings - I’m proud of us! ~Samantha
Check out our upcoming events and more: |
(RESCHEDULED) March* General Body Meeting (Facebook, Google Calendar)
Join us for the rain date of March's monthly meeting: we will be hearing from Jan-Michael Sacharko, Director of Development, at Doorways. Jan will be providing an overview of Doorways mission, and community resources, along with some changes and advocacy opportunities here in Arlington and in Richmond.
Doorways began in 1978 when a group of concerned community members saw there was no safe place in Arlington for families in crisis. What began then with one shelter and one response has grown into a series of pathways individually tailored for adults, youth, and children seeking safety and shelter. From immediate crisis intervention to counseling, housing, and employment support, we offer real options and multiple pathways for people of all ages and genders—women, men, youth, and LGBTQIA+ people.
Doorways is also looking for donations to support their mission and those they serve. Please visit: Date: April 2nd, 2024 Time: 6:30 PM Location: Arlington Central Library Bluemont Room 1015 N Quincy St
Blue Victory Dinner (and Blue Victory Dinner After Dark) (Tickets, Facebook)
The Blue Victory Dinner is the biggest event of the year for Arlington Democrats! Our 2024 theme -- "Democracy is on the Ballot" -- emphasizes the critical importance of this year's presidential election in ensuring the integrity of our political system now and for years to come. Join us to hear from inspiring Democratic leaders, connect with old friends, and make new ones. We will also honor our Volunteers of the Year and renew our commitment to making Arlington and Virginia a more just and prosperous place for all. Your support of the Blue Victory Dinner will help ensure we have the financial resources to lead Democrats to victory in November and take back the Virginia House of Delegates.
Speaker Announcement: The BVD committee is excited to announce that Simon Rosenberg, the founder of the New Democrat Network, will join us for an energizing speech on grassroots politics and the future of the Democratic party. More speakers to come! Date: Tuesday, April 20th, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Blue Victory Dinner), 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM (After Dark) Location: Hilton Arlington 950 N Stafford St |
Help AYD Get to Roanoke! | Thank you to our sponsors!
In less than three weeks, AYD will be heading to Roanoke, VA to join hundreds of fellow Young Democrats from across our great commonwealth to conduct organizational business and to learn about the current issues and trends impacting young democrats! None of this would be possible without the support of our donors. To express our gratitude, we would like to shout to our donors: Supporter: |
Julie Farnam (Candidate for Arlington County Board) Susan Tatum Anne Deleon Mary Detweiler Sherry Liebes Friend Matt de Ferranti, Arlington County Board Member At-Large Laura Saul Edwards
Elizabeth Tober Lyon AYD is almost halfway to our goal of $4,000 to cover hotel and registration costs. We are asking for your help to make this happen. Your contribution can make a difference: Friend - $50 covers a delegate's full registration fee. Advocate - $100 covers transportation costs for eight delegates.
Supporter - $250 covers one night of hotel accommodations for up to four delegates. Leader - $500 covers half our registration fees or full accommodations for up to four delegates.
Champion - $1000 covers all our registration fees. Trailblazer - $4000 covers all hotel accommodations (five rooms), transportation, and registration fees for 20 delegates.
Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal. Your support will help us represent Arlington at this important event and make our voices heard.
If you can contribute, please donate here or contact us directly at for more information.
Thank you for considering our request. Together, we can make a difference! |
It's time to select our Delegates! Now that the 2024 Democratic Primaries are over for Virginia, it is time to select delegates to represent Democrats at various conventions. Calls have been set out for those who wish to be a delegate at the district, state, and national levels.
Per the 2024 DPVA Delegate Selection Plan, Arlington can send up to 69 delegates to the 8th Congressional District Convention, with 8 going to the DNC in Chicago from the 8th District.
Additional at-large level delegates will be selected at the DPVA Convention, located in Richmond, in June.
More information about the delegate selection process can be found at: .
If you have any additional questions, please email Duncan Barron, Democratic Party Representative, at |
It's never too early to get started for November! Arlington Democrats Beyond Arlington initiative is in full swing with their first stop making calls for key races for our neighbors to the south in North Carolina, if you’d like to get involved in phone banking opportunities, please visit their opportunities page here . |
Postcards to the Future - Arlington 2050 (Form)
Imagine you live, work, and/or play in Arlington in the year 2050—and you love it! What makes it great? What's new? What's the same? What does the ideal Arlington look like to you?
Arlington County wants to hear from you! Please submit your comments via this form or by emailing the county board at
Arlington Young Democrats Our mailing address is: Arlington Young Dems 1235 S Clark St Suite 207 Arlington, VA 22202 United States |
If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe. |