Jack --
Hello Green Party Members and Supporters:This notice is FYI to Missouri Green Party members and supporters.During this period of intense war-making and genocide in Gaza and the continuing proxy war in Ukraine, the Missouri Green Party announces our support of a peace conference in St. Paul, Minnesota on April 5-7 of this year.There is still time to reserve a space at the conference. This conference, sponsored by the National United Anti-war Coalition will not be live-streamed only during the plenary sessions. Green Party Peace Action committee members will participate in the conference as well as have a Green Party Table at the event.
United National Anti-war Coalition Conference April 5-7, St. Paul, MinnesotaDecolonization and the Fight Against ImperialismThe UNAC Conference is less than 1 week away:"Decolonization and the Fight Against ImperialismA Conference for the Entire MovementSaint Paul, MN, USA, April 5-7, 2024(Click here for the conference web site)Click here to register for the conference.To reserve a room at the St. Paul Riverfront Intercontinental hotel, where the conference will be, you will now have to register directly through the hotel web site. To do so, click here, Let them know you are with the conference.
For more information, go to the UNAC Conference website at: https:/unacconference2024.org/This is a moment that our movement cannot miss. Join us!If you have any questions or problems, please send an email to [email protected]
Missouri Green Party Outreach
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