If I told you that the average age in Africa was 19, would that surprise you?


However, the average age of leaders in Africa is 63. There is a significant difference between the average population and the age of its leaders. Corruption, poverty, war, and gang violence combine to offer a bleak outlook for the youth of Africa…


Now more than ever, the youth of Africa need a light in the darkness. By the grace of God, and with your help, Foxfires can be that light. 


Provide practical training and spiritual support to the youth of Africa

by supporting Foxfires today.

Light Up The Darkness!

We created Foxfires because we saw an urgent need to

strengthen and support the youth of Africa. 


Together, we are equipping them with practical, emotional, and spiritual skills, so they can grow into confident, passionate disciples who can lead and

serve in every sphere of life.


Once these Foxfires are set ablaze for Christ, they return to their communities full of the love of God and for His people. Transformed people transform people.


Will you support Foxfires today?

Yes Simba, I will support Foxfires!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your partnership in the ministry of African Enterprise. As challenges continue to arise in Africa,

your generosity never fails to meet that need. 

We cannot do this alone. Your support is crucial in enabling us to continue our work of evangelism, discipleship, and community transformation. 


We are grateful for you and look forward to the impact we can have together through the ministry of Foxfires.

Because of the gospel focus of our work, donations to this appeal are not tax deductible.