It may be April Fools’ Day, but this is not a joke. In 2020, white women earn 79 cents for every dollar a man makes. And it’s even more disproportional for women of color. Black women have to work an extra eight months to earn what white men were paid last year, and it’s over 10 months for Latina women. We know gender and skin color have nothing to do with our value and potential as Americans, and it’s up to each of us to put an end to this injustice. This gender wage gap hurts our economy, it hurts our families and it violates our values. Our country will be stronger when everyone gets equal pay for equal work. Add your voice to demand Congress pass a bill once and for all which requires employers to pay all their workers -- regardless of race and gender -- equal pay for equal work. It’s shameful that in 2020, women of all colors who are on the front lines of a crisis will receive a smaller paycheck than the men fighting alongside them. Their work is just as valuable and just as needed. Congresswoman Susie Lee refuses to sit back and allow this status quo to persist and continue to weigh down on women’s ability to be financially secure. If you’re as fed up with the gender wage gap as we are, help us close it by signing our petition to demand Congress pass a bill to require equal pay for equal work. Thanks for signing, Susie Lee HQ Paid for by Susie Lee for Congress |