First, Trump spent weeks downplaying the threat of the coronavirus
pandemic and ignoring the science.
Now that the virus is disrupting lives across the country, he’s spreading
false and misleading information in his live “briefings.”
It’s a danger to the public, and it has to stop. In the middle of a
pandemic, spreading blatant misinformation to millions of Americans has
deadly consequences.
We can’t force Trump to stop lying, but we can call on TV networks to stop
carrying his lie-filled, daily “briefings” live on the air.
[ [link removed] ]If you agree, add your name to our joint petition with the Progressive
Change Campaign Committee right now. Tell NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, and
MSNBC to STOP carrying Trump’s “briefings” live on national television >>
[ [link removed] ]ADD YOUR NAME
People across this country are afraid. They’re out of work, concerned
about the health of themselves and their families, and they’re looking to
the media for reliable information.
But by carrying Trump’s lie-filled remarks live on the air, networks are
allowing false and misleading information to be spread, unchecked in real
Let’s be clear about this: the president is lying and spreading misleading
information about public health and the administration's pandemic
response. The networks have to act to protect their viewers and public
We need reliable, factual information about the coronavirus from the
media, not Trump’s lies. We all have to raise our voices right now to
demand this change.
[ [link removed] ]If you agree NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC should stop carrying
Trump’s lie-filled “briefings” live on the air, add your name to our joint
petition with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee right now >>
[ [link removed] ]ADD YOUR NAME
Thank you for raising your voice. We can’t afford to let Trump spread lies
unchecked. American lives are on the line.
— Charles
Charles Chamberlain
Chair, Democracy for America
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