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Jack — We’ve got some really good news. Battleground Democrats just gained serious ground in 3 TOP toss-up races [!!]

Pennsylvania: Bob Casey maintains COMMANDING lead (10 points!!)
Montana: Jon Tester holds his ground against ALL GOP challengers!
Texas: Colin Allred in DEAD HEAT with Ted Cruz!

Bob, Jon, & Colin could almost singlehandedly defend the Senate — but only if they maintain this momentum all the way to November. RUSH support to help these battleground Democrats DEFEND the Senate!!! ALL DONATIONS WILL BE TRIPLE MATCHED FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT>>>

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Amid all the worrying news this election cycle, these champions are a bright spot — they are massively boosting our chances of holding the Senate [!!]

🔵 Bob Casey has kept his lead for six months, now it’s in the double digits
🔵 Jon Tester’s been winning tough fights since 2006 — the latest polls put him 4 points ahead of his most likely opponent
🔵 Colin Allred is polling neck-and-neck with the supremely unpopular Ted Cruz — Cruz is by far the most likely GOP Senator to lose his seat

Bob is a sure shot. Jon is a proven fighter. Colin is Democrats’ secret weapon. But the GOP is targeting them remorselessly. MAGA mega-donors know Bob, Jon, and Colin are the key to our Senate majority and they’re hammering them with attack ads.

If these champions win, we will HOLD the Senate and have a FIREWALL against the MAGA maniacs — no matter what happens in the White House. Please RUSH support to Bob, Jon, and Colin today!!! All gifts TRIPLE MATCHED >>>


Democratic Victory PAC

Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing Joe Biden, defending the Senate majority, and taking back the House. Donate now to help Democrats fight for progress!

We're mobilizing online grassroots communities to stand up for progress. Together we can help Joe Biden and Democrats across the country defeat the GOP in 2024!

Jack: Make a monthly donation to save our majority!
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