> > Today, Wednesday April 1, 6:00 pm EDT / 3:00 pm PDT join @RefuseFascism on Instagram LIVE using the Instagram app on a phone; and by following @RefuseFascism. You'll hear from the organizers of an Emergency Protest that took place in Time Square on Monday; demanding aid globally to address the Covid-19 pandemic and the immediate removal of this fascist regime. Check Facebook tomorrow for highlights!
Yesterday inside and out, Refuse Fascism supporters spread the message
Trump is an American Virus -- Time to Break the Silence!
We raised these demands of the government:
-- Provide aid and protection for hunanity globally, not just for American, based on international co-operation, not competition.
-- Provide ventilators & hospital beds for those needing intensvie care; and mass testing to get information needed to slow the spread of CoVid-19.
-- Provide Personal Protective Equipment for all health workers.
-- Enures health and safety from the virus for all those in jail, prison, or ICE detention camps; immediately release everyone not convicted of a violence crime, and asylum seekers and families.
-- And most importantly, #TrumpPenceOutNOW
Raise these demands with us on social media and in real life!

Chapters participated in car caravans (using social distancing) in Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and Los Angeles Tuesday with #NeverAgain Action, #FreeThemAll & immigrant's right groups demanding release of thousands from ICE detention. Many other people participated virtually on social media including by banging pots & pans. Stay tuned for more!
> > New video of the Statement of Conscience / Call to Action
Cheers to everyone who sent video of resisters reading the statement. Keep the videos coming!
SIGN it & Share it!
We are not just collecting names, or asking you to sign another petition. The statement is powerful education and analysis of what humanity is facing, and different from what anyone else is providing.
Signing this statement of conscience is a commitment to be part of taking action in the name of humanity.
More from Coco Das & Sarah Roark

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