Jews Fear They Are More Prone To Coronavirus—But Race-Denying Ruling Class Suppresses The Facts; Trump Dodged Bullet, Missed Opportunity With WUFLU Bailout. Re-Election Means End Chinese Immigration, Stop Cheap Labor Inflow, Push Border Wall NOW; etc. (57 items, 03.31.2020)


China Virus continues to drive traffic this week, starting with Ann Coulter On Coronavirus: How Do We Flatten The Curve On Panic?

In second place: the MSM has been fretting about racism against Asians for months now. John Derbyshire discovered they might be on to something with East-Asian Americans Under Attack. But Who Are The Attackers? I bet VDARE.com readers can guess

Lance Welton scoops up third and fourth with, Jews Fear They’re Prone To Coronavirus—But Race-Denying Ruling Class Suppresses The Facts and Coronavirus And Vitamin C: Is THIS Why Israel Closed Its Borders? Jews might be most concerned, but everyone wants to know… Please, Public Health Officials, Media Need To Report Coronavirus Deaths By Race. It would be wildly irresponsible not to.

Finally in fifth, James Fulford gives us a break from WuFlu reporting with an update: Charlottesville Narrative Collapse Seen In Jason Kessler Lawsuit. Here’s what really happened.

Featured Articles

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Allan Wall

SAID IN SPANISH: AMLO Still Resists Closing Borders; Mexican States Take The Lead; Coronavirus A Disease Of The Wealthy?; Are Mexicans Racially Resistant?; Politically Incorrect Pinatas [5 ITEMS]

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

Trump Dodged Bullet, Missed Opportunity With WuFlu Bailout. Re-Election Means End Chinese Immigration, Stop Cheap Labor Inflow, Push Border Wall NOW!

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author Laura Wood

Laura Wood Remembers Lawrence Auster, After Seven Years

Saturday March 28, 2020

Author Lance Welton

Jews Fear They’re Prone To Coronavirus—But Race-Denying Ruling Class Suppresses The Facts

Friday March 27, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire, 30 Miles From Coronavirus Epicenter, Is Skeptically Social Distancing

Thursday March 26, 2020

Author James Fulford

The Fulford File | SPLC Thug Michael Hayden Demonizes VDARE.com’s Castle Purchase. His Twitter Followers Plot Violence. WHERE IS FBI!?

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Chutzpah—ADL Wants A Federal Bailout

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author Hugh McInnish

One Good Thing About WuFlu Panic: Immigration Patriot Jeff Sessions May Now Beat RINO Tuberville In Alabama Senate Primary

Blog Posts

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Are Homemade Masks Working in Prague?

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: ChiComs Whipping Up Anti-Americanism

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire Says: All Is Forgiven, Ramesh

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Author James Fulford

Public Health Officials, Media Need To Report Coronavirus Deaths By Race

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Black Baltimore Councilman Says "Implicit Bias" Of White Doctors Greater Threat To Black Community Than Coronavirus

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

In 2021, We Should #CrushTheCurve on MSM Use of Virulent Hate Terms Like "Racist"

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Big Brother Thermometer That Snitches on Your Temperature Shows Promising Trends

Monday March 30, 2020

Author James Fulford

This Day In VDARE.com History, 2009: Bloody Mass Murder Stems From Mass Immigration

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

French Government Afraid To Enforce Coronavirus Quarantine In Arab Banlieus Because Of Riot Threat

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Seattle Flattens Curve from R0=2.7 to 1.4

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Social Distancing Hasn't Caught on Yet in South-Central L.A.

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

This Day In VDARE.com History, 2018: Will Democrats Run On Abolishing ICE? Will GOP Run On Saving U.S.?

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

San Francisco Still Prioritizing Fighting Stigma Rather Than Coronavirus

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

U. of Washington: Worst Will be Mid-April Death Peak

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Telluride Test First Wave: 643 Negative Out of 645

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Chinese Researchers: Strong and Short Stay-At-Home Policy Is Cheaper Than Loose and Long

Sunday March 29, 2020

Author Allan Wall

Human Rights Watch Slams Mexican President AMLO for Handling of Coronavirus in Mexico—AMLO Is Still Holding Rallies!

Saturday March 28, 2020

Author Federale

This Day In VDARE.com History, 2013: Suddenly, Federal Law Can Be Enforced By Local Law Enforcement—No "Sanctuary" For Second Amendment

Saturday March 28, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK: Rich White Liberals Flock To Hamptons To Panic Buy, Locals Seek Travel Ban For Coronavirus-Fleeing New Yorkers

Saturday March 28, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

Coronavirus Makes Borders Popular—Even in Mexico!

Saturday March 28, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

What Went Wrong with the British Plan To Build Up "Herd Immunity"

Friday March 27, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Switzerland's Stockpiles Prevent Panic Shopping

Friday March 27, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

This Day In VDARE.com History, 2017: America’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions Moves Against Deadly Sanctuary Cities

Friday March 27, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov Update: Turkmenistan's Secret Police Crack Down On Even TALKING About Coronavirus

Friday March 27, 2020

Author James Fulford

Report: Looting In New York, As NYPD Calls Up Retirees To Replace Officers Who Called In Sick (With "Blue Flu", Not Corona)

Friday March 27, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Cuomo Admits Diversity NOT A Strength: New York State Is Corona-Struck Because "We Welcome People"

Thursday March 26, 2020

Author James Fulford

Dr. Norm Matloff On Covid-19, Silicon Valley, And The Chinese Connection To Coronavirus Infection

Thursday March 26, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

China Virus Unleashes Anarchy Across America: Black Cincinnati Police Chief Suspends In-Person Responses To Numerous Violent Crimes

Thursday March 26, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

Rep. Gaetz Has A Bill To Protect America’s Corona Relief Funds From China

Thursday March 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

How Long to Shut Down? Let's Procrastinate on Making That Decision

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For March 20: The Naming Of Plagues, Made In China, And Geezers on Gurneys, Etc.

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author Audacious Epigone

Nervous Wreck Rates by Race, Social Class

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Coronavirus: Does a Flu Vaccination Help Save Your Life?

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author James Fulford

Charlottesville Narrative Collapse Seen In Jason Kessler Lawsuit

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Nevada Governor Bans Prescription Chloroquine For Corona Because Media Touted Man Who Ate Pool Cleaner

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Are Gay Men Hit Harder By Coronavirus?

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer In TakiMag: Mother of Two Tests Herself, Her Kids, and Her Neighbor for COVID-19

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Black Ski Group Hit Hard by Virus

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

NYT: You Have to Pull Sick People Out of Their Homes

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author James Fulford

This Day In VDARE.com History: Nicholas Kristof Feels Depression, But No Guilt, Over Country Formerly Known As Rhodesia

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Democrat Coronavirus/China Virus Stimulus Bill Forces Corporations To Fund "Inclusion Initiatives" (Anti-White Hiring Practices) For 5 Years

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

East-Asian Americans Under Attack. But Who Are The Attackers?


Radio Derb

Friday March 27, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Pandemic Anxiety, The Jobpocalypse, And The Cuomo Menace, Etc.

Syndicated Columns

Monday March 30, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is the Pandemic Killing Biden's Bid?

Thursday March 26, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Can This Pandemic Usher in a New Era?

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter On Coronavirus: How Do We Flatten The Curve On Panic?


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