Team — Today is Census Day! The Census happens once every ten years and it determines how federal funds are distributed to various communities.

These funds are allocated based on population, so if you don’t take the Census, you’re telling the government to spend less money on your community.

And while our community is one of the most diverse communities in the country, it’s also the hardest to count. In fact, the last time the Census happened, only 60.7% of NY-09 residents responded!

It is crucial that we are fully represented in the Census. We do not want our community to miss out on valuable federal funding for education, healthcare, housing, and more for the next TEN YEARS.

So, please, take a moment today and fill out the Census!

Visit 2020Census.Gov ⇨

The Census is not just for American citizens — you should complete the Census regardless of your citizenship status, immigration status, or country of origin. An accurate count of our community includes counting undocumented residents, and because of Yvette’s work, the Census Bureau is prohibited from sharing the data with federal agencies (like I.C.E.). 

So, friend, we strongly encourage you to take a minute, visit, and complete the Census on behalf of your household TODAY.

Visit 2020Census.Gov ⇨

If you prefer to fill out the Census by phone, you can do so by calling 844-330-2020. If you prefer to complete the Census by mail, you can learn more about how to do that here.

Thank you for doing your part for our community.

And as always, stay safe.

-- Team Clarke


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