COVID-19 Resources....
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I hope this email finds you in good health. Cindy and I are praying for families across the district and across the country who are affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Last week, I joined my colleagues in Washington to provide much-needed relief to hard-working Americans, their families and our small businesses.

You can read about the  CARES Act here: CLICK HERE

It's in our nature to want to help others during this pandemic and I've been blown away by the requests I've had asking how people can help others. Many organizations are facing greater needs now due to COVID-19.
  • Feeding Pennsylvania and local food banks are still taking donations.
  • American Red Cross is in need of blood donations during this health crisis.
  • Check on your neighbors to ensure they have food and resources, a simple call can brighten someone's day.
  • Support your local businesses whether it's a gift card purchase or ordering takeout.
  • Practice social distancing to stop the spread.
It is crucial that you stay informed of the resources available in case you are in need or know of someone who could benefit.

I encourage you to visit for additional information on how to protect yourself and what to do if you think you're sick.

Continue to follow me on social media for updates as well as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Please continue to follow the CDC, DOH and social distancing guidelines.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our country,

Daily Updates and Briefings
President Donald J. Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force at 5:00 p.m.
> White House Updates
> Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Pennsylvania Primary Election has been postponed to Tuesday, June 2nd. 

Related election deadlines have also been postponed - 
The last day to register to vote will be May 18th.
 The last day to register for a mail in ballot will be May 26th.  
Ballots must be returned by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Apply for a Mail In Ballot >>> CLICK HERE
Update Your Registration >>> HERE

Email All Questions to: [email protected]

Our mailing address is:
902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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