Will you help me meet my goal?
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Robert Peters for Senate LOGO

Hi Friend, 


I'm a huge Chicago Fire FC and Chicago Red Stars fan, and with opening season last month, I've been inspired to shoot my shot – and hopefully score help from folks like you.


My first End of Quarter Fundraising Deadline of 2024 is tomorrow and I'm still $1,991 away from reaching my goal.  


Whether on the soccer field or on the campaign trail, I know winning anything takes two important steps:


First you have to aim for the goal, by having a plan. I developed my platform on wanting to protect our workers, reform our criminal justice system, and advocate for our children before I even set foot in the State Senate.


Then you just have to shoot  ⚽💨 


My team and I have been working hard to connect with voters online and in-person, and share the work I've done for our community in Springfield: 


For our workers, I've sponsored bills to empower our local unions and guarantee temporary workers receive fair wages. 


For our students, I've sponsored bills to lower class size and fund youth apprenticeships. 


For our criminal justice system, I spearheaded the effort to end cash bail, I sponsored a bill to ban private detention centers in IL, and just this month, I sponsored a bill to protect our kids from unlawful and aggressive interrogations.


I've been able to get a lot done as State Senator, and next year I'm hoping to do even more for folks in the 13th District – but in order to continue, I'm going to need to *score* some contributions to keep my campaign going strong.


Friend, there's no I in "team". We all have to work together to preserve our democracy and continue finding progressive solutions to protect our neighborhoods – that's why I'm asking: Friend, will you join Team Peters and pitch in to help me reach my End of Quarter Fundraising Goal 🥅 by Sunday?

Thank you,

Sen. Robert Peters

Senator Robert Peters was born in 1985 deaf and with a massive speech impediment. His biological mother was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and his adopted mother and father were a social worker and a civil rights lawyer. He saw first hand the impact and devastation of the racist war on drugs. 


As he grew up, he admired the work his father did as a civil rights and criminal defense attorney, challenging wrongdoing by the police. This combined with the effect of the criminalization of addiction, inspired his work on criminal justice reform rooted in the safety, freedom, and wellness of all people. 

A defining moment for Peters was the Great Recession, as he struggled to find work and lost his parents within a year and a half of each other. He found his power through political organizing in solidarity with a variety of organizations in Chicago fighting for justice. 

As a state senator, Peters has championed the end of cash bail in Illinois after years of organizing around it before becoming a Senator. This legislative session alone, Peters has passed six bills out of the Senate, as he continues to push Illinois forward as a leader in criminal justice reform and true public safety for all. He chairs the Labor Committee in the Senate and is Chair of the Senate Black Caucus. He is focused on environmental justice, racial justice, economic freedom, and public safety for all.

Prefer to donate via mail? Address a check to
Peters for Illinois
P.O. Box 15118
Chicago, IL 60615-5139
Paid for by Peters for Illinois

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