On March 17, small groups of Cubans protested shortages of electricity, water and food in areas of Cuba. Addressing the shortages in an interview with NBC, the country’s President Miguel Díaz-Canel said the events were exaggerated out of proportion, and that the protests were peaceful and used by U.S. social . . .
Continue reading Cuba responds to protests over shortages at Workers.org
Por mucho que demócratas y republicanos traten de parecer diferentes unos de otros, a veces no pueden evitar sonar igual. Esta viñeta se publicó por primera vez en workers.org el 4 de abril de 2023. Viñeta: Tony Murphy Esto quedó evidente en la 352-65 votación en la Cámara de Representantes . . .
Continue reading El bipartidismo en su mejor (o peor) expresión: La prohibición y la palabrería at Workers.org
Palestinian-American, Chinese-American and Egyptian activists are together in Cairo for an international humanitarian mission and to fight against the Zionist war machine paid for by the U.S. Lee Siu Hin, National Coordinator of the China-U.S. Solidarity Network and the National Immigrant Solidarity Network, participated. As of March 25, over 32,000 . . .
Continue reading Activists around the world demand: Israeli ceasefire now! at Workers.org
Independent bookstore workers join union Workers at Shelf Life Books, an independent bookstore in the Carytown neighborhood of Richmond,Virginia, are committed to providing an alternative to Amazon. After the store changed owners in 2021, the workers began to realize that a union would give them the power to have a . . .
Continue reading On the picket line at Workers.org