Fellow Patriot
China lied. Americans died.
The Communist Chinese government found out about Coronavirus all the way back in December!
And instead of honestly informing the world of this deadly disease, the Communist Chinese government did FOUR Deadly Deeds that they MUST be
accountable for:
- LYING by telling the entire world that their Chinese Virus wasn't transmitted from
- COVERING IT UP by ordering doctors and scientists to destroy all evidence of the Wuhan Flu.
- SILENCING ALL DISSENT by making people who spoke up about the Coronavirus "disappear."
- ALLOWING TRAVEL in the early months, letting people who tested positive to leave the country and
infect the United States and the rest of the world.
Just look at this tweet by the World Health Organization - which was published on January 14, 2020.
China MUST be
held ACCOUNTABLE for this!
That's why Freedom Watch is getting involved. We just filed a Class-Action Lawsuit against Communist China to seek financial damages.
Some people don't think my organization, Freedom Watch, is capable of winning this lawsuit.
They. Are. Wrong.
Here's why: America does A LOT OF BUSINESS with China. In fact, China is one of America's largest trading partners and vice versa. Just look at
your clothing, your bed sheets, and your grandchildren's toys. A lot of them were made in China!
China's economy is completely dependent on America's economy.
Simply put: If America decided to stop doing business with China permanently, their economy would literally never recover.
Let's make no mistake about it, if America decided to permanently sever business ties with the Communist Chinese government, China's economy
would suffer a Great Depression the likes of which the world has never seen before.
Such economic catastrophe could even lead to a violent revolution against the evil communist Chinese government!
You see, Fellow Patriot, I believe that the United States federal government MUST DEMAND Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping to come clean about
Coronavirus and pay the American people back for the financial damages (by settling with Freedom Watch) or America will NEVER do business with China
again. And as a result, there will be a Great Depression, which may lead to the toppling of Xi Jinping and his evil communist regime.
Fellow Patriot, our records show that you have donated $0 so far this year. Can you help Freedom
Watch win our lawsuit against Communist China with a gift of $5, $10, $20, or even $30?
We need hundreds of thousands of dollars to win this lawsuit. Your donation will help
us hold Communist China accountable for their dirty deeds.
Let's not forget: China knew how bad Coronavirus was in December and what did Chinese President Xi Jinping decide to do?
Cover. It. Up.
China must pay
for this!
And Freedom Watch is taking action!
The first thing we did is file the class-action lawsuit against China for their financial damage.
The second thing Freedom Watch did was to recently file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the United States federal
Because We The People need to know when federal government employees at the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, ODNI, or the State Department knew about
China's dirty deeds!
When did the CIA found out that Communist China lied about human-to-human transmission?
When did America's Intelligence Community figure out that Communist China covered up the virus?
Did any "Deep State" hack hide information from President Donald Trump to make him and the Republican Party look bad and lose the next
Were there any Democratic Party hacks working in the federal government provide misleading information to the Trump Administration?
We need to find out why, where, and when federal government employees in our Intel agencies and the FBI found out.
The American government must do everything they can to prevent this pandemic and its economic recession from happening again.
After all, let's not forget, America had a BOOMING ECONOMY just a few weeks ago!
At the State of the Union, President Donald Trump correctly touted his economic accomplishments and record low unemployment rates.
Now, the economy is in complete shambles and hundreds of Americans died all because Communist China allowed infected people to leave their
country, lied to the world about how dangerous the virus was, covered it up, and silenced dissent within their own country.
Freedom Watch
is going to make China pay for their financial damage.
After all, America is the wealthiest country on Planet Earth. Since 1890, America has had the world's largest economy, in terms of Gross
Domestic Product.
We need to LEVERAGE our economy.
And if we do that, we will win this lawsuit!
And we are going to win the lawsuit because Communist China knows they MUST do business with America for their communist regime to survive.
But, I can't do this alone. Freedom Watch currently does not have the funds necessary to win right now.
Fellow Patriot, our records show that you have donated $0 so far this year. Can you help Freedom
Watch win our lawsuit against Communist China with a gift of $5, $10, $20, or even $30?
By donating to
Freedom Watch, you become a member of the Justice League.
We the People must rise up now before it is too late and come together to fight this evil Communist Chinese regime much like Superman, Wonder
Woman, the Flash, and Aquaman in their recent Hollywood movie.
We all are indeed "superheroes" in real life and in real time! Only if We the People band together and support our noble and righteous cause
can we overcome the evil of Communist Chinese government.
Fellow Patriot, we have much urgently to do to save the nation from destruction by the radical left and we at Freedom Watch are our only real beacon
of hope. Support and
join Freedom Watch's Justice League. Together, we are the superheroes that will return the nation to greatness under a system of justice
that preserves and protects liberty and freedom.
God bless you and your family!