In these unprecedented times we hope that we can offer you spaces and tools to connect with each other, and to learn from each other. But first, we need your help to figure out how we can be most useful.

Hi John,

The world today is not what it was yesterday, and we don’t know what tomorrow brings. Many of us are dealing with uncertainty, fear, loss of livelihoods, and anxiety about the future. Some of us are doing our best to adapt. And many of us are looking for ways to help each other.

That’s why I’m writing this email - because that’s what we in the 350 Europe team are doing, too. In these unprecedented and challenging times we hope that we can offer you spaces and tools to connect with each other, and to learn from each other. But first, we need your help to figure out how we can be most useful.

Let us know what would be useful for you in terms of online meetings and/or skill-shares by filling out this short survey - it only takes 3 minutes!

In moments like these, people have different ways of coping - some of us take a step back to take care of ourselves and our family and community. Others want to get stuck into a project, take action and keep moving. 

John, you might be one of the people who is taking a pause during this time. Maybe you are focusing on taking care of yourself and your family, or maybe you’re one of the frontline workers who are doing heroic work to get us through this crisis. There might be any number of reasons why this offer of online meetings isn’t for you, and that’s all good. 

But if you do have the ability, and the urge to take this time to learn new skills and tools together with others in our movement for climate justice, then please do let us know. 

Take 3 minutes to fill in this short survey on what skills and tools you’d be most interested in learning about during the next few weeks. 

In solidarity,

Matilda, Shan and Julia for the 350 Europe team

PS: Last week we ran a skillshare on how to organise great online meetings and we had so many people signing up that we were forced to close registration early. If you missed out on that session, you’re in luck as we are repeating the webinar on Monday 6th April, 7-8:30pm CET - sign up now to reserve your spot! is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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