Do 2X the good. Help ADL fight the spread of hate & antisemitism during COVID-19
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History has shown us:
When disease spreads, so do antisemitism and hate

You Can Help: Limited Time Matching Grant

Dear John,

We are all deeply concerned about the growing pandemic that is spreading across America and internationally and for the health and wellness of our loved ones. Please stay safe during this trying period.

Sadly, when a disease like COVID-19 spreads throughout the world, something equally dangerous also becomes contagious: prejudice, xenophobia... and all too often, antisemitism.

We’ve seen it time and again throughout history and we’re seeing it again now, especially in vile social media posts and on far-right websites. Just recently, white supremacists have circulated hateful tweets blaming Jews for creating the coronavirus and Turkish politicians have falsely claimed COVID-19 to be a Zionist plot. In addition, Asian Americans have been physically attacked and verbally harassed in connection with this pandemic.

Ending this hateful and antisemitic rhetoric — and the attacks it is inspiring — is vital and we need your help to enable us to keep doing it.

That’s why a longtime ADL supporter has offered to double every gift — up to $50,000 — now through next Wednesday evening, the first night of Passover. Please double your impact today!

I’m so grateful for your unwavering commitment to Fight Hate For Good. Because we’ve seen what happens when a pandemic transforms into an outbreak of antisemitism. In the Middle Ages, Jews were unjustly blamed and attacked for spreading the plague. Centuries later, Nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as lice-ridden carriers of typhus.

John, in times of crisis, fear and anxiety can all too quickly turn to antisemitism and hate. In our modern world, bigotry is too easily transmitted through an off-hand comment or a short tweet. It’s up to all of us to call out dangerous rhetoric as soon as we hear it... and stop hate before it spreads!

We know we have no time to lose. We must stem this tide of hate NOW.

Your support of ADL, which goes twice as far today, helps keep your community safe through activism and education. You back our Center on Extremism and our law-enforcement partnerships to stop hate speech in its tracks — before it erupts into violence that claims lives.

And during this time of uncertainty, John, your gift to ADL allows you to take action and stand up to hate!

Thank you for being a forceful voice for good at this critical time. And thank you for giving as generously as you can during this limited-time matching grant to fight antisemitism and hate of all kinds!

We’ll get through this together!

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. The past few weeks have been stressful and traumatic for all of us. I’m more grateful than ever for the steadfast support of good people like you. No matter what, I know you’ll stand with ADL on the front lines against antisemitism and hate of all kinds. Thank you!