We're pleased to share an important update about our streaming platform.

ASG.stream is now officially available on CiVL.com, thanks to a significant partnership with The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity. Over the past year, we've dedicated ourselves to creating the liberty movement's first streaming platform, and its early success has led to this exciting acquisition.

CiVL aims to be a distinguished platform for streaming content that challenges and enlightens, offering free access to our apps on Roku, Fire TV, iOS, and Android. Our selection includes a variety of films, shows, debates, and live events designed to engage and inform.

A personal note from Justin Arman, founder of ASG.stream (CiVL): I am deeply grateful to our early supporters and the Advocates for Self-Government for believing in this project. This platform represents a new chapter in our journey to foster dialogue that transcends political divides, providing a space for ideas that elevate the conversation beyond conventional partisan perspectives.

We are honored to announce that The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity has awarded us growth funding, enabling us to expand our team and enhance our catalog with content that educates, entertains, and inspires.

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What's next for CiVL

We just brought on a community manager who is setting up our socials and the community functionality of our platform.

We’ll send you invites soon. We’re working on our first live film screening with thought leaders and directors that you can participate in.

We’re actively going live with new content. If you have any suggestions, please contact me at [email protected]

Justin Arman
Executive Director, CiVL

P.S. Contact me if you'd like to suggest content for our platform.

The Advocates for Self-Government is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization.  Our mission is to equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the social values of self-government.

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