
The 2020 Census is HERE! The census is one of the best ways to make sure your community can thrive – make sure your friends and family have all the information that they need to participate in the census. Go to now to complete the census online >>  

So much is at stake for our communities and environment right now, and that’s why I want to make sure you have all the information you need for you and your community to participate in the census. 

In case you didn’t know, the U.S. Census counts the population so that the federal government can impact:

  1. How many representatives each state gets in Congress.
  2. How billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities.
  3. How our communities’ schools, health and infrastructure will be impacted.


Want to help out your local schools? Fix that road? Improve public school education? The data gathered by the Census is critical to how our communities are seen, heard, and funded.


Make sure you count:
  • Participate online. This is the first year that households will be able to respond online. Households have been able to complete the online questionnaire since mid March. Don’t fret, here’s a video that walks you through the process.
  • Or participate by phone.
  • Or participate by mail. Since mid-March, households have been receiving official U.S. Census Bureau mailings with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census. Simply follow these guidelines and mail your form back.
  • Participate in the census using the language that is the most comfortable for you. Households in the United States speak a variety of languages, so the Census Bureau is providing multiple ways for  households to respond in the language most comfortable for them -- including English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and more. 
  • Make sure the census is accessible for you. People with disabilities have historically been hard to count within the census. There are a number of resources to make the process accessible. 
  • The census is completely confidential. The census is a count of everyone in the United States, no matter your immigration status. Your information is completely confidential. Read all about it here.

Filling it out will only take a few minutes! We know it might be hard to see past the current situation, but in order to make ​sure California receives its fair share, we must have the right amount of funding and representation. You count, so make sure you're counted!

Don’t put off responding. Do it today.


Stay healthy and take care!


In solidarity,

Jennifer Molina

Director of Communications

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