Today is Census Day — be counted.
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It's Census Day!
Make your voice heard — even if you're indoors!
Take the #CensusChallenge
Advocate, today is Census Day! While you're probably indoors, the good news is you can still be counted from the comfort of your home — and get your community to count in too.

How? By participating in the 2020 Census! You can respond online, call the Census Bureau, or respond through the mail by returning the paper questionnaire everyone will receive by mid-April. Then, tell your friends and family on social media to be counted too — and don't forget to use #CensusChallenge when you spread the word!

During this unprecedented time, it's easy to feel overwhelmed... but through these simple actions, you'll impact your community in a critical way. Remember, the census will determine our access to resources, community funding, and political power for the next 10 years.

When people go uncounted, resources are unfairly distributed, and stretched thin in communities left out of the census. Data collected in the census helps support each state's emergency planning and response, and is used to allocate community funding — both critical in handling future crises when federal assistance falls short. Better data will lead to better emergency response.

So don't wait. If you haven't taken the 2020 Census, do it now, and take meaningful action right inside your home.

If you've already completed your census questionnaire, you can still take the #CensusChallenge and share with your networks! Post a selfie or short video with who you can count on to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And be sure to add the below info to your post!
1. Share a quick blurb of why the census matters to you!
2. Make sure to include the website where you can fill out your census:
3. Tag three friends to share who they can count on and why the census matters to them.
4. Add our hashtag, #CensusChallenge.
This is an all hands on deck effort, Advocate. As always, thanks for jumping in!

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. If you want to stay in the loop, sign up for future advocacy text alerts by texting "civil rights" to 21333 — and thanks again for being part of this fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20046 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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