If not now, when?


Wisconsin is the only state moving forward right now with primary elections, despite the clear and inherent danger it presents -- despite the "Safer at Home" order, where Governor Evers in no uncertain terms states that, due to the life-threatening pandemic, all nonessential business should not be conducted. Just this morning, Governor Evers announced that the National Guard would be acting as poll workers due to the majority of poll workers resigning out of fear for their health.  

Mass voter suppression is a direct result of proceeding with the April 7th election, under these conditions -- but we still need Bernie to win, and we need your help right now, in the final 48 hours until we can no longer request absentee ballots.

Will you help us call voters today and tomorrow to remind them to request their absentee ballot immediately and also to vote for Bernie? We'll be calling all day today until 9:00 p.m. and all day tomorrow until 5:00 p.m. and you may start immediately, if you have no questions.

[ Click here for additional voter information ]

Thank you for all you do! #NotMeUs

In solidarity and in health,

Our Wisconsin Revolution

Our Wisconsin Revolution is a member-driven organization and our work is not possible without the help of our members. Become an Our Wisconsin Revolution Sustaining Member! Donate a minimum of $5/month or $50/year. And please consider making a larger contribution to sustain the organization's important work!.  

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