From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject Extremists Scapegoating Jews for COVID-19
Date April 1, 2020 5:46 PM
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March 2020


Top 3 ADL Actions Around the Globe


Global Challenges and Response to COVID-19

ADL experts
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documented how in a number of countries, including France, Switzerland, Iran, Spain, Turkey, and Venezuela, there are voices trying to scapegoat Jews and Israel for the spread of COVID-19.

ADL has been in consultation with Jewish communities around the globe to share analyses of challenges and some extremist responses. In a call with leadership, ADL International Affairs experts shared updates from partners in Europe and Latin America, and Carole Nuriel, Israel Director, on the situation in Israel.

ADL has also sought to elevate positive examples of people coming together in spite of the health crisis, including
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a sing-along in a Jerusalem neighborhood, a
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nation-wide public thank you to medical professionals in Israel, President Rivlin&rsquo;s
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message to the global Jewish community, and
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mobilization by European Jewish students.

ADL Israel condemned a rabbi for
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blaming the new Coronavirus on the LGBTQ community, as well as the
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beating of an Israeli-Indian who was &ldquo;blamed&rdquo; for causing the health crisis.



Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Training for Jewish University Students in Europe Launched

ADL&rsquo;s inaugural &ldquo;Words to Action&rdquo; training in Europe took place on February 15 at an international Shabbaton for European Jewish students, hosted by the Luxembourg Jewish Student Union. Dalia Grinfeld, Assistant Director European Affairs, trained 40 students from seven countries, including presidents and board members of national Jewish student unions. The training focused on anti-Zionism on campus in Europe, and animated discussions among the students continued even after the training session. Confirming the success of the session, eight students applied to be student trainers for a Words to Action training program that ADL will deliver this year across Europe with our
partner, the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS).



Latin American Teens Reflect on Antisemitism

Jewish teens from Latin America, visiting ADL&rsquo;s offices in New York in late February for training on responding to antisemitism and anti-Israel incidents,
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shared their personal reflections and experiences with antisemitism.



Israel & Broader Middle East

ADL Israel
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condemned the demonization of the Arab vote and also called on Israeli leaders to
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ensure the integrity of Israel&rsquo;s democracy and democratic institutions.

ADL&rsquo;s Task Force on Middle East Minorities endorsed H. Res. 823 condemning the Government of Iran&rsquo;s state-sponsored persecution of its Baha&rsquo;i minority and the regime&rsquo;s continued violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights.

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welcomed the president of Columbia University&rsquo;s strong stand against BDS.

Antisemitic protests outside the AIPAC Policy Conference were
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documented .


ADL joined the British Board of Jewish Deputies in
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welcoming the British government&rsquo;s move to protect Jewish and Muslim religious burial rituals during the COVID-19 crisis.

The two-year anniversary of the antisemitic murder of 85 year old Holocaust survivor, Mireille Knoll
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was marked .

ADL welcomed German government
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action against extreme members of the far-right AfD party, as well as Chancellor Angela Merkel&rsquo;s
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strong statements against racist attacks.

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creation of a post to fight antisemitism and promote Holocaust awareness was welcomed.

Portugal&rsquo;s inaugurating an annual day to commemorate the Inquisition of the Jews was
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called an important step.

Latin America

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marked the 28th anniversary of the attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.


2019 was
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a significant year for ADL&rsquo;s international engagement, furthering our work fighting global antisemitism and hate, combatting delegitimization of Israel, and promoting a secure Jewish and democratic Israel at peace with her neighbors.

ADL condemned antisemitic attacks and trends globally including: an antisemitic gesture by
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Argentinian soccer player; a boy beaten in Gratz,
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Austria ; an assault on a man wearing a kippa in
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Brazil ; the desecration of a cemetery in
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Hungary ; the release of 2019 data on antisemitic incidents in
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Italy ; an extremist
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Polish leader who said pogroms were good for the Jews and aided natural selection; and Holocaust themed floats in
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Spanish parades.

In a Times of Israel blog, ADL Deputy National Director Ken Jacobson
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examines the recent anti-Muslim riots in India and their resonance for Jews.

ADL expressed
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solidarity with the Sikh community after an attack on a temple in Kabul, Afghanistan.

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Marking the anniversary of the attack on the Christchurch, New Zealand mosques, ADL wrote to Prime Minister Ardern, and commended her for her &ldquo;moral leadership during this difficult year, and your commitment that New Zealand will continue calling out bullying, harassment, racism and discrimination wherever you see it.&rdquo;

ADL sent a letter to the Ambassador of Kazakhstan expressing concern about a pervasively antisemitic Turkish television series being broadcast by a state-owned network.

The opening by the Vatican of wartime archives was
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welcomed .

ADL's Washington Director for International Affairs David Weinberg spoke on a European Leadership Network (ELNET) panel on antisemitism hosted at the Hudson Institute, along Chairman of the Conference of French Imams Hassan Chalghoumi, CEO of the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities Dana Al Marzouqi, CEO of Emgage USA Wa'el Alzayat, and President of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Cliff May. The panel was moderated by Joseph Braude, CEO of the Center for Peace Communications, and introductory remarks were given by the CEO of ELNET France, Arie Bensemhoun.

International Affairs in the Regions
Houston: Marilyn Mayo, Center on Extremism Senior Research Fellow, spoke to Consuls General of European Union nations about the ADL report,
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Hate Beyond Borders: The Internationalization of White Supremacy .

Jerusalem: Based on an ADL's research documenting scapegoating and stereotyping around the Coronavirus, ADL Israel Education staff put together a lesson plan geared for Israeli educators, focusing on issues of exclusion and scapegoating. Examples were shared from both around the world and Israel. The lesson plan was provided to all directors of ADL's Education Division to be shared with school principals, teachers, parents, and students.


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