From Kansas Office of the Governor <>
Subject Media Release: Governor Kelly Signs Bipartisan Bill Removing Barriers to Career Opportunities for Military Spouses
Date March 29, 2024 5:01 PM
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*For Immediate Release:    *     
March 29, 2024
*Contact:    *     
Grace Hoge

*Governor Kelly Signs Bipartisan Bill
Removing Barriers to Career Opportunities
for Military Spouses*

TOPEKA *— Governor Laura Kelly today signed House Bill 2745 [ [link removed] ], which exempts spouses of military servicemembers from all occupational licensing, registration, and certification fees, eliminating barriers to career opportunities for military spouses in Kansas.

"As the daughter of a career Army officer, I know the importance of supporting our military personnel and their spouses," *Governor Laura Kelly said.* "I'm proud to sign this bipartisan bill that knocks down barriers and ensures military spouses have every opportunity to fill the jobs we've created in Kansas."

In February 2023, Governor Kelly announced [ [link removed] ] that Kansas was the first state in the nation to join the Alliance for States Providing Interoperable Reciprocity (ASPIRE). This coalition advocates for the acceleration of military reciprocity by and between states, easing the process of obtaining an occupational license in a state to which military personnel and their families are deployed.

“Military spouses play a crucial role in contributing to Kansas’ workforce and economic success,” *said Kansas State Senator Usha Reddi, District 22, and member of the Governor’s Military Council.* “This bill will allow us to better support our servicemembers and their families by removing the hurdles military spouses face when seeking job opportunities.”

Governor Kelly also signed a bipartisan bill [ [link removed] ] in 2021 that expedites the issuance of occupational credentials to military servicemembers and military spouses seeking to establish residency in Kansas. The legislation makes it easier for military spouses to transition into the workforce and contribute to the Kansas economy.

In addition to House Bill 2745, Governor Kelly also signed the following bipartisan bills:

*Senate Bill 399**:* [ [link removed] ] Aligns submission deadlines for monthly reports filed by vehicle dealers.

*Senate Bill 424:* [ [link removed] ] Updates the Kansas plane coordinate system act to align with federal changes.

*Senate Bill 481:* [ [link removed] ] Renames Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus as Kansas State University Salina.

*Senate Substitute for House Bill 2247:* [ [link removed] ] Modernizes certain terms, definitions, deadlines and provisions contained in the uniform consumer credit code (UCCC) to further consumer protections and allow for more efficient regulation of the credit industry. The bill also moves certain provisions from the UCCC to the Kansas Mortgage Business Act.

*House Bill 2525:* [ [link removed] ] Provides additional funding for the water program management fund through the regulation of certain underground injection control wells.

*House Bill 2557:* [ [link removed] ] Expands the scope of peer support counseling for first responders and law enforcement.

*House Bill 2561:* [ [link removed] ] Updates provisions of the State Credit Union Code to align with current business conditions and ensure the soundness of Kansas credit unions. The bill also authorizes Kansas credit unions to expand outside of the state.

*House Bill 2587:* [ [link removed] ] Authorizes the board of directors for a drainage district to hold meetings in executive session in accordance with the open meetings act.


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