Folks, how much do you know about my opponent? Here are the highlights:
He’s completely anti-choice and wants to ban abortion under all circumstances. This isn’t just a backwards position, it’s a dangerous one that would lead to more deaths.
- He idolizes Donald Trump, supporting him through 91 criminal charges, 20 sexual assault accusations, and infinite bad ideas for our country’s future.
He thinks climate change is a hoax(?!?) despite the heartbreaking and horrific “once-in-a-century” floods and wildfires that keep hitting our communities, year after year.
- He seems to believe that me being a young woman makes me totally unequipped to serve in Congress, routinely attacking me for no reason other than my age and gender.
There’s not much I can do about this guy’s extreme ideas. He’s proudly running on them, and it’s up to San Diego voters to decide whether they want someone like him representing them in Congress.
But there’s one thing I can do something about – and that’s how this race goes over the next seven months.
In January, my opponent announced that he’d raised more than half a million dollars to defeat me. That means we can expect televised attacks, negative mailers, and who knows what else coming our way. But we don’t have to sit back and let him drive the narrative.
With your help, we can fight back.
That’s why I’m pushing to reach my $10,000 online fundraising goal by midnight on March 31st – building up the resources we’ll need to run a strong campaign and deliver a resounding Democratic victory in November. Will you help by making a donation of $25 or more right now?