They're digging up old, unpopular, shameful ideas
House Republicans resurrect plan to gut Social Security and Medicare


If you were following the news last week, you saw Republicans dig up old, unpopular, and very dangerous ideas — ideas that could come true if we lose the election this fall.

In their budget plan, House Republicans proposed gutting Social Security and Medicare to reward their billionaire friends with more tax cuts. Absolutely shameful.

Thankfully, Democrats held our ground and stopped this plan from ever seeing the light of day — but if we lose Congress and the White House in November, all bets are off, and our hard-earned benefits will 100% be on the chopping block.

But we can stop them: We need to hold our seat in the House and elect more Democrats in Congress who will stand up to this extremism.

We're facing our biggest FEC fundraising deadline on Sunday, and we're still running short. Can we count on your support right now to ensure we win this election and retake control of Congress?

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John, it won't be just Social Security and Medicare on the line, either. The Republican roadmap included plans to slash the Affordable Care Act, children's health insurance, and consumer protections, and undo all of our progress to slow the climate crisis.

And, of course, their plan called for a nationwide ban on abortion.

This GOP budget plan is a transparent blueprint for what they will do if they take control of Congress and the White House: Rig the economy in favor of corporations and the richest Americans at the expense of the rest of us, rollback reproductive rights, and take away our freedoms.

We can't stand for it — and we need your help. Please chip in whatever you can today to ensure we have what it takes to win this November and retake control of Congress. Every dollar will make a big difference.

Thank you for all that you do.


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Chellie Pingree is a progressive Democrat representing Maine's First Congressional District in Congress. She is an outspoken advocate for women's reproductive rights, universal health care, reforming our food system against corporate greed, fighting for equality and against injustice, addressing the climate crisis, ending Citizens United, and protecting seniors, veterans, and America's working families.

If you'd like to make an online contribution to Chellie's campaign, please click here. If you'd like to donate by mail, please send your contribution to:

Pingree for Congress
PO Box 17613
Portland, ME 04112

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